>>6174obvious glowing (when not a synonym for "posts i dislike") and idpol need to go, but fear around "advocating for imperialist aggression" is always built on delusion.
/leftypol/ could be doing its damnedest to propagandize on behalf of the united states government's military and economic objectives and it wouldn't make the slightest dent. if someone on /leftypol/ wants to argue that the iraq war was actually good, let him do so and let the people on the board who know their shit rip him to threads rather than banning him so that we can go back to arguing among ourselves about who was in the right when the soviets and the chinese decided to shoot each other over an island.
the case for most imperialist aggression is flimsy even by liberal standards, leftists should have no difficulty dismantling it by reference to historical precedent and basic analysis.