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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict general gas resulted in an increase of IdPol retards, when are you retards going to adress it?
Here's an example:
>Oh sorry we were too busy eating hotpockets to notice it
Some retard janny already banned a poster there, but apparenlty he forgot that ALL FORMS of IdPol are banned, including retarded liberal IdPol

Do your fucking job correctly and give a handslap to the retarded janny that didn't do his job correctly


I agree there has been an uptick in idpol due to the happenings, but, that anon in particular is kind of being sarcastic don't you think?


>Sectarianism and racism against a certain ethnicity with a coat of red paint just to appear related to leftism
>Lol it's sarcastic

You are well aware that actual racists posts that shit against le ebul whites. The only way to have a quality board is if jannies actually enforce the rules


Let me guess, you have aspergers?

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