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Can you add an /int/ board?
I would love if /leftypol/ hosted an international board that wasn't infested with alt-right weirdos, one that really focused on fostering international cooperation and learning/sharing each others cultures.


leftypol is already /int/ if you really think about it.


Can we get a /german/ board we are the third largest nationality here


Can we have a /burger/ containment board? It's the main nationality here.


Just use >>>/ref/




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Why? Just because it's not on the same domain?




Why Tania loves Mexico and Puerto Rico so much?


if we ever do have one, i submit that /leftybritpol/ should be allowed to remain on /leftypol/ unless it wishes otherwise.


>muh anglo exceptionalism


Socdem angloid is a fucking subhumans, don't bother


hypocrite you are, for in accusing anglos of exceptionalism you identify them as exceptional in their exceptionalism.

(also, leftybritpol is a britonnic general, our first and foremost priority is to drive the anglo-saxon back into the sea.)


mods should consider this, now that pol.org have heir own site and are pretty close to GETchan's /ref/, a local /int/ board would be a differentiating aspect to engage people


I think it shouldn't really be politics specific


but what if Im not a pedophile


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I actually do like this idea ngl


Do this but move the /int/ style threads from /b/ or else it'll be deserted

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