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Are the mods going to do something about the unironic nazi spam or is this another shitty altchan to be abandoned immediately?




might be best to just get into one of the separate channels for /lit/ discussion which I won't mention here. free to join but tightly moderated and frequently purged to weed out inactive members and ofc any tard shitting up the room is banned immediately


I'm already in a couple leftypol approved matrix chats but shit man, that's not leftypol


might be a blessing in disguise tbh. maybe I'm coping and I've never been too into any image board (just lurked bunkerchan) but what's salvageable out it? just use the matrix chats to get to know some ppl who actually know their shit as they seem more likely to be active in those chats where they can actually hold a conversation with ppl as opposed to here where it's just pseuds, poltards and attention whoring tripfags. read. join party and union. share meaningful thoughts and insights with peers and build on each other's ideas.

all of that has become nigh impossible here, i'n afraid. just imo and without any special anymosity. phonepostan so sorry for redscarepod writing style


I remember it like it was 3 months ago, when effort posts where being written and responded in kind, this is nothing like what you get out of a matrix chat or discord chat

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