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File: 1627095147493.jpeg ( 23.31 KB , 700x350 , external-content.duckduck….jpeg )


Just a single question, comrades:
>What is the % of our moderation team in terms of nationality
<vs. poster (IP-based) nationality?

It strikes me (hard) that like 80% of our "vol" team is anglo, while our posteriat is like at the very least 50% NOT anglo.

Interesting, innit???????


calm the fuck down, dude


I'm really really black, here's a black classic from back in the day


Who cares mods do their job and purge polfags out of this board. Mods are gods


>who cares about facts?
<what matters is that MY cultural/political background is represented
t. anglo


>Anglo Anglo Anglo Anglo Anglo ANNNGGLLOOOO!
Can you stfu and actually say something in good faith?


calm down it's just an image board


File: 1627131814363.jpg ( 2.88 KB , 111x107 , wtf_sunglasses.jpg )

this is literally IDPOL except its even dumber due to being about shit that doesn't matter

Unique IPs: 7

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