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the postertariat has had enough of this! the janitourgeoisie infighting and couping each other, the site turning to absolute shit! we cant take it anymore and we will not take it anymore!

this thread will be one where the posters will initiate their demands directly to the current ruling junta and finally unionize to protect the place they know and love!



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What happened to bunkerchan?


Ok uygha

Demand 1. Fuck OP in the ass


Literally just purge everyone in the staff every two-three months and turn every board except /b/ to have reviewed posts before being uploaded, that way /pol/shitposting is kept at minimum plus it will encourage effortposts


ban leftcom posters
ban anarkiddies
ban glowies
ban avatarfags
ban furfags
ban jannies
eat a dick


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jokes on you im into that shit
shameless and extremely gay samefag




Trust the plan of the party elites. Don't criticise it


t. Liberal


you 15yo


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Stop projecting


I dunno but I'm pretty blackpilled after the pretty comfy period post-split where I got to come on .org for effortposts and the bunker was still there for inane schizoposting. Now post-merge has settled down a bit it's just like some weird demoralized hybrid of /pol/ and r/stupidpol. I kinda hate it here now.


feeling this pretty well




>Now post-merge has settled down a bit it's just like some weird demoralized hybrid of /pol/ and r/stupidpol. I kinda hate it here now.
Same, comrade :’(


I hear this shit started because of disagreements between the mods over how to moderate /b/. It's a fucking waste of time to even debate that. Let anons post whatever the fuck they want on /b/ and let mods delete whatever they fuck they want from /b/ as well. No worthwhile discussion happens there.


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not samefag this time but something i think is relevant

bad times create real uyghas
real uyghas be straight chillin
straight chillin creates bitch uyghas
bitch uyghas create bad times

or something but WE CANNOT GIVE IN TO DESPERATION NOW. leftypol needs some real uyghas now more than ever. we have to be the real uyghas since jannies prove themselves bitch uyghas time and time and time again.



This is the only major leftist imageboard and I ain't going anywhere. Leftypol provides a comfy space to express my snowflake feelings in a time where Western leftism is scattered and harebrained and completely impotent, sometimes it's good to just let it out with other leftists. If the schizos want to go at it we'll see who can outschizo who. I don't have any demands; I can't force anyone to be honest or transparent in their posting. If it helps, as a fellow anon I'll always be honest and forthcoming in my posting.


additional demands made on meta
understood. thank you for your service soldier o7



Without a set of well defined rules, proper ban notices and staff that can be held accountable this shit will implode yet again.


Also because of you.

Here's a fucking proverb to describe you:
Gajah di pelupuk mata tidak terlihat, semut di seberang pantai nampak jelas

Look that shit up, cuntfucking retarded fuckwad.


Full support from me, but I've made my complaints in the past, especially in the short era of the mods shilling their favored e-celebs and bypassing the trash thread where it belongs. The element was supposed to make things more transparent, but apparently it doesn't matter, because shit will still be kept under wraps until the last second and things blow up. Mods need to get over themselves and treat this like an actual volunteer jobs, or fuck off and leave the job to "boring" but rigorous people.


>reviewed posts
holy reddit


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LMAO, you think that will stop /pol/


locking thread, we have a thread for supporting the glorious watermelon military junta already.


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I only know Watermelon, Zul, and Zero. How are these other uyghas? Are they with Watermelon or siding with the radlib subhuman Caballo?


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all against to the three you listed to my knowledge.


krates and comatoast have stepped down and a lot of the active mods have been banned.


Damn, those two were actually some of the actually decent vols imo.


That's a shame about Comatoast.


Site was going to shit anyway, don't really care if the mods want to fight over it's corpse.


so is that it? you giving up now? is that the leftypol way, anon? i dont think so. we ARE leftypol. we ARE the site. they work FOR US, WE DO NOT WORK FOR THEM! and the site being shit is their fault, isn't it? the fight has to be taken to them!


This shit came out of absolutely nowhere - like a few weeks ago, the posting here was not bad, all of a sudden we started getting the glowie and nazi threads again, and then this random coup?

I'm relatively new around here, only started lurking on bunkerchan last october (never used image boards before), but I can't see what the average user can do around here to change things. On discord it's much easier to see and isolate problematic mods and users because everything has a name attached, there's ways to engage with those managing the server, but here it seems we're just at the whim of a bunch of self-appointed mods.


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>but I can't see what the average user can do around here to change things
bully them


It's such a fucking shame, things started out strong with this site but suddenly vols started becoming far less active than usual, leading to situations where rightoid/other anti-communist threads or posts stayed up for hours. I checked the vol logs and it seems that only 4 vols are pretty active, all others seldom do anything, no wonder things started going to shit.


Lumpen poster reporting in. Making a bait thread in 3,2,1..




If this is the demands thread I am once again going to repost my demands here from the other thread:

Here is my suggestion out right ban any and all soyjack posting ironic or not, it has ran its course and its stale just like all other memes from cuckchan. ITs not funny it never was funny and those that defend it are the problem.

Rightoids shall be given no quarter they come in bad faith and contribute nothing to these boards, giving them any sort of attention always leads to derailing.


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thank you for your contributions. your posts are ultimately the one thing that would make this place worth spending time in. i have to sleep but keep contributing long as (((they))) dont just shut this down again. if they do, its gonna be time for an uprising. you restore my faith in this place


Yea my bad I am pretty busy.


Coma is taking a break he'll be back and only one vol was suspended for one week.




So then, Anons, is this the Terror, Thermidor, or the Brumaire?

Or Cultural Revolution time at last?

Are the dialectics in motion, again?


Lenin hats are obviously comprador posters


really embarrassed someone wrote this


the postewtawiat has had enough of this! the janitouwgeoisie infighting and couping each othew, the site tuwning to absowute shit! we cant take it anymowe and we wiww not take it anymowe!

this thwead wiww be one whewe the postews wiww initiate theiw demands diwectwy to the cuwwent wuwing junta and finawwy unionize to pwotect the pwace they know and wove!

long live leftypol! long live the postertariat!


>reviewed posts
And while we are at it, we should also ban all slurs, ban soapboxes and stop agenda posting.

Holy shit man go back to reddit.


I like the coup but I'd like it even more if they'd ban idpozzed radlibs immediately. For now I am not seeing enough change.


You r/communism faggot safespace is still there. Noone will miss you


wat happen? ????


/leftypol/ is kill


ugh da feels!


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I haven't used the site other than /games/ and /hobby/ in the last few days wtf happened? Was I right and there were /pol/yps in the mod team?

>except /b/
>that way /pol/shitposting is kept at minimum


Go back megafaggot


This is exactly what I was going to post, but with more emphasis on having 0 tolerance towards rightoids

After a while it gets tiring especially since likeminded people often don't participate in the gatekeeping bullying. In fact, it seems that rightoids, reactionaries and other retards have more support from overly-tolerant idiots who think we should allow all kinds of bullshit or else we'll be Reddit, which is CRINGE!!


Yeah, the Mods should CRACK DOWN ON /POL/POSTING.


Guys wtf I always thought Comatoast was the sysadmin? Also is he out or in? I'm getting conflicting information
Who's sysadmin and able to make Watermelon sole mod?


I agree zero tolerance for any /pol/posting and giving legitmancy for any of their bullshit claims. They don't debate in good faith and shouldn't be taken seriously. Their opinions are nothing but ramblings of mutts.


Yup! Agreed too! They must be immediately permabanned, and the mods must literally censor every single word like how they reworked transhumanists into transhumanists


Someone please reply to me >>8723


Being able to call someone a faggot retard niqqer doesn't make you brave or stunning you absolute retarded niqqerfaggot. Kill yourself or go back to reddit. The filters are in place because of posters like you who are unable to hide your seethe and inner rightoid always comes out to shit up threads. Die now.


>After a while it gets tiring especially since likeminded people often don't participate in the gatekeeping bullying. In fact, it seems that rightoids, reactionaries and other retards have more support from overly-tolerant idiots who think we should allow all kinds of bullshit or else we'll be Reddit, which is CRINGE!!
i haev loose bussy pls bauss, pls gib bring us pol2. reddit uighurs be coping, while I be spreading


This is how we unionise the board:

Okay, so basically this is the gestalt official proposal, I was going to write a document with all the ins and outs of my reasoning, for that, you can go back through this chat and read what I have to say. Essentially, my belief is this: 1) there is somewhat of a consensus among mods and regular attendees to mod related discussions that some form of board democratisation is favourable 2) there are numerous different beliefs on what that should be or what it will look like 3) there is fairly wide consensus that the system of moderation decision making currently in place is not fit for purpose. 4) there is also a fairly wide consensus that, although democratisation is favourable to basically all, most recognise to a great or lesser degree real issues, among these, how can we prevent the subversion of such a system. 4) this leaves us in a position that, we must widen the scope of the decision making process on the board, I.e, democratise it, add more voices to the pool of those eligible to vote, while also making sure that pool does not become subverted with bad faith actors.
My proposal therefore aims precisely to target these concerns, in order to complete the above objective of democratisation to some degree.
While the ideal situation would be in my opinion direct democracy, there are very real threats to this, and very real problems with its implementation. Therefore, I suggest measures in order to smooth over implementation issues in a gradual, increasingly democratic fashion.
Thus, in practical terms, I would like the mods to vote on these 3 separate but cohesive proposals 1) that a union of posters be allowed to created by the posters, this union will act as the mechanism by which posters can discuss issues with the board. It will be owned by the posters, so that it’s independence from the moderation team can be assured. Initially, this union would be a place of discussion, and the will of the board discerned by the individuals who made up the voting body of the union. These individuals would be, those collections of posters who are currently engaged in the board moderation and have been long term. Gradually, more and more people would be added to the voting pool long term, it would be the specific job of these individuals to oversee this expansion. 2) in order to solidify this, myself and soy noticer (the initial inspectorate) be inducted in the mod chat, which would give us voting rights but no mod powers. This way, through the above mentioned Union, gradually more posters, judged good faith by said inspectorate, based on their participation in union discussion, could be added to the inspectorate voting pool and therefore the democratic process of the board. 3) I suggest that this action, if voted for by a majority of the mod team, would represent a binding mandate to enter into a gradual, good faith, long term process of board democratisation as described above.
*This might be sloppy I meant to write this from a laptop but needs must. I have thought through things like the constitution of the union etc


The solution is to create more boards.for a wider variety of posting catering to peoples needs. There are multiple posting tendencies in leftypol. Arguing with rightoids, arguing with other leftist more broadly, trying to discuss something within certain parameters(like if you want to talk about anarchism and not get derailed by anti anarchist posting )

Thats the way forward to make everyone happy


As long as the mods take a strict no tolerance stance on /pol/posting, I'm okay.


Why not do board creation?


The filters didn't exist until utter /pol/faggots like you stated to spam those words.
That sounds like it would divide the userbase even more


I am a little upset at the constant drama

>Literally just purge everyone in the staff every two-three months
>turn every board except /b/ to have reviewed posts before being uploaded


It's a guy called Zero. He's mostly inactive in general and only does devops work.
Comatoast is another casualty of Zul.


Literally every mod voted to ban Zul.
Now he's running the site.
If you are a poster here and you don't care about mod drama, you should definitely care about this one.


>Literally every mod voted to ban Zul.
Can I get evidence for this? Because if this is actually the case, then that's actually a problem.


The attached images..ok everyone except zero, the sysadmin that facilitated the coup.


https://leftychan.net/assembly/res/809.html is public now btw, in case anyone thinks the screenshots are doctored
(the anonymous "no" votes are, to my knowledge, not mods.)


This isn't true. The vote was shoehorned in and deff did not follow protocol. It was only established because uyghas were salty about coma leaving.

Caballo and the like made every attempt to bungle any type of punishment that was thrown their way so, all is fair in love and war as far as I am concerned.


Ok, so there is five mods total, correct? Just to make sure, because its fluctuated over time. And if so, why did Watermelon go back over his own vote?


Not that anon, but can you explain this?
Watermelon was certainly outvoted on taking the reigns, and none of this was run by the board just like fucking last time. So how did this even go through in the first place?


Because Zul convinced him that all the mods that have been doing actual work for years are in fact users of a site called reddit* and were intersectional.
This might be believable if you aren't exposed to mods (as is the case with zero and watermelon) because you don't usually moderate, or it might be believable if you are a paranoid schizophrenic (Zul).


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Because the whole shit show was a sham to begin with. In the past people had, again, left, quit, bungled, any attempt to hold caballo responsible for his actions. They wanted to remove him because Zul was actually calling them out on their shit not because they wanted to actually correct any behavior. Further more the constitution says (said?) that the mod has a right to explain themselves. Not just ejected in a matter of a few hours like that. It was kangaroo court.


You need to get over yourself. Zul didn't convince anyone of anything. You actions and moderation technique expose your intentions. Sorry.


Zul offered to step down as mod and walk away if they would agree to listen to the rest of the remaining mods instead. This was rejected outright. So don't let them spin this as a one person thing. They still are just opposed to the idea of not getting their old system back.


At this rate its clear to see that no one is innocent in this and the Mod team has showed that they are incapable of doing the most basic of things. So purge them, that is the main demand now.


>Because the whole shit show was a sham to begin with. In the past people had, again, left, quit, bungled, any attempt to hold caballo responsible for his actions. They wanted to remove him because Zul was actually calling them out on their shit not because they wanted to actually correct any behavior. Further more the constitution says (said?) that the mod has a right to explain themselves. Not just ejected in a matter of a few hours like that. It was kangaroo court.
Well, did he explain himself? And if he did after, was there another vote to see if he could stay? What exactly did Caballo even do? This is why so many posters take issue with you fag collectively, because you don't even bring up shit when its impotent until it completely blows up.


At this point, unless anything changes, I'm in agreement with this. I made my complaints about the mods way in the past during the whole e-celeb fiasco. They were then supposed to be more transparent, and run things through the board first regarding critically important stuff. None of that actually consequentially occurred though, and so really at this point no mod can be trusted. Wipe the slate clean.




That wasn’t the response. The rest of the mods aren’t on his side in this to begin with.

t. Was fucking there.


Fucking liar.
The mods agreed to any changes to the system that were to be imposed.


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To all mods, kill yourselves. The postertariat is more important than your faggotry. It's not going to be the /pol/ raids, the soyjakkers, or even the avatarfags, its you that's going to kill this website.


>The mods agreed to any changes to the system that were to be imposed.
That's not the whole picture.
The coupists have no experience doing anything. So the mods were willing to do ALL the work to implement the changes to the system.

The coupists behaved like the classic incompetent hostage scenarios where the retards don't even know what they want so they order pizza.

Let's not forget the hilarious idpol and fedposting """rules"""" that were proposed by the coupists. Weaponized incompetence.
The mods are grill pilled, which was part of the issue because Zul, the drama wrecking faggot, was allowed too long. When the mod team finally unanimously (including watermelon) decided to kick him, the sysadmin initiated a coup. Now Zul and watermelon are fuckbuddies? Lmfao.

Clean up the fucking site, coupists.


once again there seems to be a spate of pol rapefugees in the midst of an attempt to slide into the boards and frankly it makes a person miss the days where the highest annoyance mostly was an excess of pornographic threads by shay

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