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 No.9714[View All]

So far I've got two applications for vol, and I will post more as they come. See if you like these guys.
78 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Who the fuck would want to do it for free? lmao
>muh libtards
Take your meds, Tulcel.


>>9809 (me)
The wide support for these anarchists as moderators is more concerning. Leftypol has been flooded by all manners of mainstream zoomer leftists, which is not really something the moderators can do much about at this point.


Liberals have been on our mod team for a long time. Caballo being a good example.


This placed is being colonized by "ex" /pol/yps and /leftcels/, stop hallucinating and pay attention to the catalog.


I see both, and very few communists.


>Liberals have been on our mod team for a long time. Caballo being a good example.
And look where that got you, libtard caballo ended up wrecking your community
And what do the admins learn from this? To invite even more libtards this time to replace him
But it will totally work this time won't it.


I agree with you, I don't want the mods to even consider these applicants. Bee is an absolutely vile person, apart from being an anarcholiberal.


I think you should 'colonize' your brain with lead.


I think they are just inviting "the other side of the idpol aisle" as moderators in order to fight back against the leftcels and /pol/ ad nauseum as pointed out by this poster >>9815
Nobody deny that "democratic socialists" and "anarchists" aren't pure idpol, their ideology is founded on idpol and 17th century liberal positivism.
This is how leftypol dies


Bee is a degenerate faggot as well who goes crying to the matrix whenever someone hurts his anarcho-fee fees.
Having him in a position of power will end up in the eventual banning of everyone who isn't a liberal sex pest debauchee like him


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>stalin bad
>stalin soy
Is this who you want on your mod teams anons? This site has absolutely went downhill


Can confirm. I've bumped into Bee on other communities, and the cycle is always the same. He's a faggot who goes out of his own way to try to guilt trip people into acting the way he wants them to. I do not trust him with any power at all.


I've always found it difficult to particularly care for anarchism as an ideology, but my god you've got to respect how terrified some people are that we might get a few more people who subscribe to it.
God forbid that /leftypol/ should have any set of beliefs which differ, in any way, from my own. (Which are of course the same as your own, comrade - unlike his, which are liberal in the extreme.) God forbid that the true spirit of /leftypol/ embodied by posters such as you and I, engaged as we are in our weekly mutual masturbation session, should be disrupted by these ingrates (who are probably from other websites) putting forward a differing view. I will have none of it, it will not come within 15 feet of me, and I know you feel the same.




True, these faggots need to remember that this is a non sectarian imageboard, a big tent for all leftist tendencies, not an ML hugbox.


It's also an explicitly anti-idpol board and the anarchist in question has been banned multiple times for idpol, who is unabashedly pro idpol despite claiming otherwise, and who has said, if I recall correctly, that anti-idpol is "white supremacy".


And all the incelposting/troonposting goes unpunished what's your point?


This is who they want on their mod team
The absolute state of leftypol


The point is we need more marxist leninist moderators, not more anarcho liberal like you


>every poster I don't like is Bee
Take your meds, Tulcel.


>Kultural Marks
both seem fine
I don't have a problem with avatarfags as posters, but I don't think they should be mods
Absolutely not.
He's fine, I guess


Doesn't matter. You're an idpol-brain anarcho-liberal. We all know it's you bee put your trip back on.




Don't deny it
you are bee I can tell by the way you type


We are all Bee. We are Legion. We don't forgive schizos like you(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEEING BEE)


Most of the bee posting was coming from the TOR node. I've banned that on the /meta/ only for a week.

We aren't inviting anyone, these are just the applications we get. Besides that, even if people like Bee get voted on and approved as mods the moment they step out of line they will be removed from the team.


If they try to coup, will you kick them off the team?


Absolutely. What are they going to do, try and vote the sysadmin out?


Everyone with a brain realizes that you need to be fucked in the head to be a janny on a political board, doubly so after a coup by a literally who LARPer. Notice how all the applicants are people who have been repeatedly banned? They're the ones with a real motivation.


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this guy has elaborated on some of his views and also has a plan for /mu/.


Well then kick yourself out, fucking couper.
Amerilards can't help but instigate coups.



if this site makes mitaso a mod then I'm leaving forever


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>wake up
>see mod recruitment thread
>it has degenerated into personal drama shit again
>the entire site rallying against an applicant because "muh troonz n shieeet"
>another one has been banned for being bee (a bannable offense apparently)
>Watermelon being the dense ML mf he is bashing another applicant political views calling them "cringe" while another poster threatens with abandoning the site if Misato is elected.
Things are going great I see.


that guy was posting from the TOR node excessively in this thread.


>you can't use the site the way it was intended


More than one person use the Tor node you newfag.


It was a shitpost thread on /b/ where OP got outed as a larper though


>1. i would want more clarification/examples of who is considered to be "bad faith liberals" (not denying they exist, but such terms are often in the eye of the beholder. much better to have concrete examples.)
I'm talking about people who just spouts some liberal propaganda point and don't even engage with the replies I'm sure you have seen examples like this if you browse this board.




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another new application!


All of these are from me btw


Why you anchored the thread? Gay mods.
We want to see the applications.


They are scared we are going to bully the applicants when they are getting flooded with people who would be against their own rules LOL.


this and remember that these are moderators, not representatives deciding over the board
you want people who can get their job done as mods to be mods while their politics should ideally be another question entirely
you wanna throw buzzwords or get tendencies eliminated, thats not gonna work here


>Most of the bee posting was coming from the TOR node.I've banned that on the /meta/ only for a week
:^) you are such a fuckup it's amusing


bee should've been banned much earlier if they were this passive aggresive and psychotic from the get go imho


Literally none of the tor posts are mine though.


If they suggested the /music/ board in the first place, then I do not have a problem with them.
Political nuances are irrelevant when your job us to clean up gore and cp


and clean /pol/yp please.

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