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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftychan.net)

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This coup was supposed to have improved the state of affairs, but it might just have accelerated the decline of the website. The jannies on all sides seem to be quite disconnected from the masses which have composed the life essence of these boards. It is long past time, therefore, that a tribunal representing the popular thrust be established to directly parley with the cliques of moderators, because there are many problems which urgently require resolving and the petty factionalist struggles of the administration have caused those issues to be forgotten. And what better individual to be the Tribune of the Posters than Shay, who not only has been a fixture around here through the multiple tribulations of migration, retreat, and reconstruction of this place but also represents decently the unity of the ideals which /leftypol/ is supposed to uphold. Steeped in the culture of both effortposts and shitposts, she is rooted in the material reality of the average posters. Shay is proletarian in class background, someone opposed to imperialism and Angloid Boxism, and also one who is not so spooked about the usual progressive canards. The current crop of moderation, be they the junta, the soyjak avatarfag narcissist axis, or the furries, can argue in /meta/ to the end of time, but most of the resident anons dedicated to the improvement of /leftypol/ know a true government of action is of utmost importance at this moment of upheaval.

Make SHAY TAN the SUPREME LEADER of /leftypol/.

Overthrow moderators' bourgeois vestiges.


Ew, fuck no
Shay has barely posted in the last month anyway
Pretty sure they got yeeted along with Caballo and the others


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>Motion to install Shay as Moderator in Chief

>This coup was supposed to have improved the state of affairs, but it might just have accelerated the decline of the website. The jannies on all sides seem to be quite disconnected from the masses which have composed the life essence of these boards. It is long past time, therefore, that a tribunal representing the popular thrust be established to directly parley with the cliques of moderators, because there are many problems which urgently require resolving and the petty factionalist struggles of the administration have caused those issues to be forgotten. And what better individual to be the Tribune of the Posters than Shay, who not only has been a fixture around here through the multiple tribulations of migration, retreat, and reconstruction of this place but also represents decently the unity of the ideals which /leftypol/ is supposed to uphold. Steeped in the culture of both effortposts and shitposts, she is rooted in the material reality of the average posters. Shay is proletarian in class background, someone opposed to imperialism and Angloid Boxism, and also one who is not so spooked about the usual progressive canards. The current crop of moderation, be they the junta, the soyjak avatarfag narcissist axis, or the furries, can argue in /meta/ to the end of time, but most of the resident anons dedicated to the improvement of /leftypol/ know a true government of action is of utmost importance at this moment of upheaval

>Make SHAY TAN the SUPREME LEADER of /leftypol/.

>Overthrow moderators' bourgeois vestiges.


shay is not even alive anymore bro


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I've never been a janny before. Allah knows i don't over moderate either, even in places i have been in charge. But if i see any gore or cp, i will clean it up for free.


Namefags of all kinds need to be defrocked and publicly flogged.

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