▶ No.40>>41
Remove chud oppurtunistic adoption of traditionalism, the chief culprit, Evola.
caste is not class and need not be reified into either.
caste is foremost a spiritual typology.
capitalism can stifle a persons true nature to pursue their vocation only through socialism can equilibrium of castes be achieved and each man perfect himself each according to their calling in life.
>In fact, as Schuon reminds us, caste “is an ever present factor in any human collectivity”, even where it is not in any way institutionalized. As Mahatma Gandhi himself—so often wrongly enlisted as an opponent of caste—remarked, “Varnashrama is . . . inherent in human nature, and Hinduism has simply reduced it to a science.” The water is further muddied by the common Western assimilation of caste and class: the former pertains to a fundamental differentiation of human types and is something quite different from the socio-economic stratifications which so preoccupy sociologists. This reduction strips caste of its spiritual significance. An even more fundamental source of confusion, rarely acknowledged, is that most Western commentaries on caste are rooted in the competitive and materialistic ethos of modern industrialized societies. As Ananda Coomaraswamy so rightly observed: The caste system cannot be judged by concepts of success that govern life in a society organized for over-production and profit at any price, and where it is everyone’s ambition to rise on the social ladder, rather than to realize his own perfection.