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 No.810[Watch Thread]

Why did no one tell me about nazbol punk


Hadn't heard it. This rules.


Is there more?


He's Igor Letov, literally one of the Nazbol Party founders along with Dugin and Limonov. His politics were all over the place, he was a dissident in the last years of the USSR but after capitalism came he turned against the wave and was big in the schizo 90s counter-culture close to nazbols and communists. Was a fascinating figure of the time.
Then he retired and became an eco-anarchist stoner bro and died of drug use lol

From his words:
>"Раньше я называл это анархией, теперь я называю это коммунизмом"
<"I used to call it anarchy, now I call it communism."


>He's Igor Letov, literally one of the Nazbol Party founders along with Dugin and Limonov.
Ah shit! I kinda figured it was that guy, don't know why I never listened to his music. I used to hear about him/read about him back in the day, but never bothered.


What does he mean when he compares Russia to Korea?


No idea, i'm not russian. But i think the song is sarcastic mocking the state line on the perestroika years, they say he wrote it on a whim after watching a TV broadcast
He's great I wanna learn russian just for it. You should also check out Yanka Dyagileva

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