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 No.84[View All][Watch Thread]

>No music thread
Step it up lads

>Boards of canda - 5.9.78


>Blackmores night - Journeyman

263 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Ow, this band has been completely erased from my memory up till now. I remember them being pretty rad.


Daniel Kahn's new album just dropped, it's fucking hilarious.


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If anyone has other music charts, don't hesitate to post them here.


Anyone got some female vocals synth pop recs? New wave/dance pop is good too. Found this group PRIZM that dropped their debut this month, pretty good stuff: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOh5SiztgTCQ_gO0bsHJuNgdjs5VUK-63


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From the /mu/ wiki


Thanks for the shoegaze-chart, will be fun to listen to the ones on the lower right and upper left.


PARIS dropping an album 25 September
He dropped some singles, looks like good shit, especially enjoy this one:
Here's another single:


How do I into music?
I just didn't really get into it as a child or teenager, everyone in school had their favourite bands and albums and I was there with my cheap mp3 player with like, deep purple and a couple other bands my dad liked on it

My music library is a 1000+ video youtube playlist, three cds I bought at some point, and a couple discographys, the only artists i would say I "follow" in any way are Sewer Slvt, Master Boot Record and Uncle Acid, other than that I don't really listen to anyone super regularly or track by releases etc.

I like some jazz, and a lot of old punk stuff, Bruce Springsteen, listened to Bob Dylan and Marley a lot growing up but like, I don't "get" it, I don't get music, I've never been to a gig or anything, except a cheeky girls gig I attended accidentally and a couple local bands


If you already like some jazz look a the last two infographs of >>10053.


that second track fucking bangs though








>Stalinwave - beriaboogie








Did any shit like this come out of the trump admin? Lol. Seems like there's a bunch more leftist stuff that was released under Obama



couple someone clip this up until 1:45? seems like huge meme p[otential


0:27 until 0:45


Cuba Va


thank you


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wasn't sure if you wanted it until before or after the vocals start




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indie rock/pop is niche, and thats kinda the point but i really enjoy Men I Trust's, Oncle Jazz.



Immortal Technique is pretty much the shit. Rebel Diaz is hit or miss and Dead Prez are absolutely phenomenal.


Pavel Chekov is a pretty cool communist powerviolence/hardcore band


>ctrl+f KKB
>ctrl+f kero kero bonito
>0 results


>ctrl+f black sabbath
>0 results
oof guys


Black Sabbath have had the best influence on rock music over any other. Love the rhythm matched with the heaviness/loudness.
Here's a great contemporary mutation of the sound:
>Kustodian - Dusted Emperor (Full Album; 2012) [Industrial Doom Metal]


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It's a little light on the drum department, though it is hard to get much better than Bill Ward




them deepcuts
>The Dead Milkmen - Bitchin' Camaro


Has anybody here ever heard about The Nails?

I want to know more about them beyond the wikipedia page

Also does anybody know what they mean by
>Mary was a black girl
I was afraid of a girl like that
Was that like a racist thing? Were people still afraid to date outside their race in 1980's america?


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idk where else to post this but here's some surprisingly based megadeth art


I present you- Dayglo abortions, a Canadian band known for its degenerate lyrics describing murdering your girlfriend. Here’s “I want to be an East Indian”


I hate this song, It's very defeatist and liberal




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Explanation of what Sovietwave means from one of the comments

Imagine a sense of hope for the future. The generation lived with dreams of the future and hopes for progress that everything would be better than yesterday. A huge layer of the culture of the CIS countries is the Soviet vision of the future, where people conquer space, factories are serviced by robots, where everyone gets what they work for. Where everyone has a place. (Look at Soviet posters.)

Now imagine that it all collapses instantly. Now we have no hopes for the future, but only the feeling that everything will be even worse.

This genre evokes nostalgia for childhood, for that former culture, in which everything seemed to go well.

Sovietwave is a type of synthwave primarily focused on nostalgia of the Soviet Union and more specifically a focus of space exploration

Good Starting Points:
Our Dream

NewSovietWave: A channel dedicated to SovietWave Mixes

If you know of any others please do post them


Damn didnt notice someone already linked Our Dream, my bad.


>Celsius - Y5 (Original Mix)


Which version of Am I Evil is better?

>Diamond Head

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ_ze7t0OQ4 (Lightning to the Nations)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlfS-oakUxM (Borrowed Time)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnupfNwf62M (Lightning to the Nations 2020)

The Metallica version was the first I listened to, but my favorite is the one from Borrowed Time, honestly. Oddly nobody will post the correct lyrics for that one.

I listen to Sovietwave when I want to cry for a while


>>390 Yeah it hits pretty hard at times


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>Why, yes, classical IS my favorite music genre, how could you tell?




No lord in the heavens made this world,
No worldly lord the prosperity of humankind.
The cosmos is an eternal evolution of the material,
This material shaped for mankind's use by many a laborer.
The work of your hands, laborer, was mankind's yesterday.
On your hands also rests tomorrow.
When the temple of Solomon was being built by an army of laboring
Slaves, meanwhile Solomon was inside
His palace, solving the quarrels of wives.
When the nobleman in France was cursing his failed expedition to
The Russian land, thousands of wives wept for their fallen husbands.
The work of your hands, laborer,
Were the treasures of the lords,
But inside your fist now grows a different kind of tomorrow.
Your hands built the factories and the mines of the land.
Where from dawn to dusk you labor on,
Watch the treasures get carried away.
But if your hands stops laboring, the chimneys go cold,
The machines standing as idle as those who you labor for.
The work of your hands, laborer,
Are the treasures of the lords,
And only your hands can act to bring forth justice.
But for the exploiter,
You alone are not enough, for he will always be hunting on.
And if he meets resistance, he'll point his guns at your brothers.
And when you rise against injustice,
You'll quickly find out,
The exploiter is not just a leech but also a murderer.
Your hands once build the tombs of the Pharaohs.
Yet to be dug is the grave for the exploiters of this entire world.
Inside your fist lies a seed to your freedom eternal.
And it'll once grow into a forest that covers out all injustices.



In the night of Tammisaari, the twinkling of the stars are not visible, there the whips and bayonets stick from belts on each side. They want to show their masters how to beat those who have already been beaten down. So they fulfill the task that their masters gave them meticulously.

Under the whip, only few are bent, only a few without strength are exhausted from battles. We walk straight after all this, even though the herd of greyhounds beat us. Go back no step, the night is darker there.

This is not arrogance, nor is it defiance of fate. We walk the path of battles and will always remember: our class is the creator of everything, and the battle for it is enormous. It's also the protection of our battle, that's why the sky is so safe.

Don't worry our class is up, we will never let you down. The struggle in front of us is noble, this is the way we go. The vanguard of us, it inspires the struggle and the victims on the path of the struggles it teaches to give.

In the night of Tammisaari, the flame of hate still flares. Not in the hard work of a slave, our forces should not fall. With our class side by side we will give the last blow. Down with the oppressive parasites, down with their dark executors!


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