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File: 1630833103791.png ( 212.05 KB , 474x316 , ClipboardImage.png )


The nukepill is the hardest thing to accept. Nukes aren't real. It's impossible to create a chain reaction like that even with "refined" material. That's why once nukes started to get into the range of "so big that we couldn't physically make enough TNT to simulate it" all the tests went underground and were hidden, then simulated with computers. There were never any nukes, it was all just a big back and forth of propaganda to keep populaces of america and russia in line post-WW2, and now the world pretends they exist to try to stop world powers from fighting while they mongrelize every population into servile drones with no history or class consciousness. Nukes aren't real. Wake the fuck up and stop being paralyzed by fear before you lose your whole nation, culture, and history. That means everyone, everywhere, not just one group of people.


>nukes are not real
>nation, culture, and history are real
lmao nukes are over 9000x more real than your understanding of class consciousness


How do you account for Chernobyl and Fukushima? All the tribes people irradiated by the experiments at Bikini atol?


How do you explain all the pictures of nukes, op?


The Soviets did not lie about their nukes and the Japanese certainly couldn't have faked the effects of a nuclear explosion.
>How do you account for Chernobyl and Fukushima? All the tribes people irradiated by the experiments at Bikini atol?
Those weren't nuclear explosions, both Chenobyl and Fukushima had secondary hydrogen explosions because of severe overheating. Nuclear power-plants are incapable of exploding like nuclear bombs because they don't contain any weapons grade materials.


What about bikini atol?


File: 1631048480758.jpg ( 102.8 KB , 490x640 , bikinibomba.jpg )

Yes that too proves the destructiveness of nukes




bruh you tricked me into watching a 9 minute long advertisement, fuck you


Where was the advertisement? all it was only an history lesson on the bikini.


Nevermind, i see the advertisement now. I posted it because of the history the bikini.


its also some christfag shit at the end. Still, the bit about women being taken to the waters edge in a horse and cart is pretty wild


Braindead unscientific take.


post proof, schizo.


based. nukes are the ultimate woo woo

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