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/posad/ - Paranormal

Skitzo round table.
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Sup leftychan.
Anybody ever heard of this guy? He's a mid twenties artist with skitzophrenia. I'm not really here to talk about him, per see, but he also talks a lot about the crazy shit he sees and he always returns to this one point "it's all part of or connected to a central energy or "consciousness" in the universe" I'm not saying he's right I am just curious, like, you hear the same thing from people who do psychedelic drugs. They talk about a oneness with things and see fractles and and patterns if not out right hollucinations. I have never see the types of hallucinations this skitzo friend sees on LSD or DMT but they are similar in a way. My question is why does everyone in altered states of minds report this type of shit?

He has a tictok if you wanna see more of his shit. He has some crazy drawing. He's cool though. Seems like /ourguy/


Fuck forgive the spelling errors I'm on phone, lol.


He's just a guy who philosophized over his condition.


Yeah but it's deff weird how all these people come to this same conclusion imo.


People come to that conclusion without psychosis or drugs. Don't take this as me dismissing the idea of consciousness as fundamental and prior to what we label 'physical' reality instead of emergent from it, it's an interesting idea, one I think I support, but that fact that many people come to support that position isn't any weirder than the numerous convergence conclusions people reach on other ontological matters.
I do have to say that video from this artist comes across as pure cope from a person dealing with what sounds like a very serious case of schizophrenia. It's clear his belief in the philosophical ideas he brings up help him deal with the effect schizophrenia has on his life and the unfair abuse and criticism he receives for it.


>People come to that conclusion without psychosis or drugs. Don't take this as me dismissing the idea of consciousness as fundamental and prior to what we label 'physical' reality instead of emergent from it, it's an interesting idea, one I think I support
Why ?
It contradicts physics and astronomy, we can see galaxies moving apart from each other faster than the speed of light (which is also the speed of causality), So no causal interactions or connections between them is possible, even the light that we are seeing is an echo from an ancient past and these galaxies are already gone.


I mean, but, all of that is assuming our models of the universe are even correct. We literally have no idea what is actually going on. We can only be approximately sure. The things we can see and observer could be only unique to our section of the universe. Our senses are not accurate as our friend here can clearly tell you. Everything we know kinda rests on fundamental assumptions


>We can only be approximately sure
So ? the scientific explanation beats all the other explanations because it's the only one that has at least some evidence to back up the claims it makes.


That doesn't make it inherently correct though. Like was said, it doesn't make the skitzos right either. It's just interesting is all. Science totally falls apart under the weight of the solipsistic proposition, though.


It doesn't necessarily contradict physics, and the expansion of the universe has no bearing here whatsoever. These ideas and the reasoning behind them are complicated and there's variation depending on who you're talking too. At best it goes against some intuition and surface level experience, but you could spend hours listing scientific facts that do.

Consciousness or "thoughtstuff" (for lack of a better term) as a fundamental, or the fundamental, component of reality isn't inherently solipsistic and is rarely proposed in a solipsistic hypothesis.


Right I get that. I am just using solipsism as a tool here to explain to our fellow anon how little we really understand.


I met him once in my dream

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