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File: 1688712455326.png ( 1.23 MB , 1200x1200 , untitled_design_-_2023-07-….png )


redpill me on this hot woman who thinks reptillians are real



File: 1688734888268.jpeg ( 13.38 KB , 474x267 , th-4120218737.jpeg )



isn't this an /x/ thread


dem thighs


schizophrenia is a real and disconcerting mental illness.


I love to read the comments on videos related to this, because actual retards come out of the woodwork to not only say that "it seemed real to her," but that actually she's on to something, and the Airline was staffed by clone flight attendants. Got to love internet schizos.




this would be a perfect time for that noticer meme.


Built for BBC


Built for that reptile cock.


File: 1689166558496.jpg ( 132.15 KB , 1044x574 , Ravaged by the Reptilian s….jpg )



Why is the cover poorly photoshopped?


Because pornographic cryptozoology literature is a true proletarian art


Reptiles have twice the dick


It was a marketing stunt, she's in marketing.


File: 1699385419472.jpg ( 57.01 KB , 600x429 , bruh.jpg )

So she was pretending to be mentally deranged in front of the hole world to sell a book about Lizard porn ?


She was promoting the firm she worked for to prove she can make vids go viral.


>She was promoting the firm she worked for to prove she can make vids go viral.
I mean it's still mental illness, just that it's not caused by neurological damage.


She's not mentally I'll. She did a similar PR stunt years before


>She's not mentally
She doesn't have brain damage that is causing this, sure, but what she did was deranged non the less, it doesn't really matter if it's cause by capitalist economic incentives. Why should we participate in normalizing this strange shit, just because it's cause by capitalism and not crossed brain-wires.

>She did a similar PR stunt years before

<She has recurring outbreaks of PRstunt-syndrome
Lets call it that.


<Skinnyfat leftists will turn their face blue screaming about how masculinity isn't an important issue and then turn around to discussion some viral clip of retarded bitch on a plane


>leftists will turn their face blue screaming about how masculinity isn't an important issue
I'm sorry what? You're building some kind of strawman that doesn't sound like anyone on this imageboard, are you lost?


>Bottom text


Shes a suburban white woman. Theyre attention whores.

Only slightly less worse than black American ghettofab queens

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