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/posad/ - Paranormal

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I have a paranoid fear that I once downloaded something that actually had a virus in it so someone could see and trace what I do and they can figure out what and where to post things to mess with me.

I think it started when I saw an image on 4chan of a Japanese game dev picture that they claimed contained a jumpscare virus that would download itself onto your computer.
Also the probably-photoshopped image that said people receive email notifications if you download their pictures on Facebook.


>so someone could see and trace what I do and they can figure out what and where to post things to mess with me.

Since all systems are backdoored and considering we are living in the AI-age, this scenario is technically possible. No reason to post it on /para/ because it is absolutely not paranormal. Oh, and nice numbers


I agree that surveillance threat actors compromising the security of computer networks are a bigger worry than OP's scenario. As for the effect of AI in this space, that's not clear yet, maybe Ai can also be used to plug the security holes.


What I meant with AI was this for example:
>Ok chatgpt, you are a gangstalker und you are stalking >>666, this is his IP 6487448. Follow him on every forum and mess with him. Use CIA psyop tactics.

This is actually possible in our age.


this scenario has little to do with AI, this would be a privacy problem, nobody should be able to stalk you, regardless whether they have graphics cards as brains or a lump of meat.

Maybe we need to shift all the websites to privacy protecting systems like onion and i2p ?


Well, I have stopped believing in "privacy respecting systems" some time ago.


you need gpt to write a key logger?


>I have stopped believing in "privacy respecting systems"
then what ?
Do you want to outlaw all surveillance technology instead ?


A simple keylogger can't talk with you.


Outlawing is not enough. The technology must be destroyed. The knowledge must be destroyed. Where law is, there are always outlaws. All systems can be hacked. The root of the problem is technology. This is the only way out.


>Outlawing is not enough.
Would it not significantly reduce surveillance ?
>The technology must be destroyed. The knowledge must be destroyed.
Which parts ? Like all the secrete dossiers and profiles they made about the entire population, and the tools for surveillance ? You want to destroy that ?
>All systems can be hacked. The root of the problem is technology.
Well it doesn't have to be perfect. We just have to divert a lot more effort and resources towards improving the security and trustworthiness of the systems, than we put into compromising the systems. Over time the cumulative effects will make it good enough so bad stuff happening becomes very rare.

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