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/posad/ - Paranormal

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File: 1722189424942.jpg ( 21.27 KB , 229x239 , Theosophical_Society_Seal.jpg )


>do magic rituals for fun/out of boredom
>actually start to believe they are real and affect reality
What is the explanation for this? Idk if pic is related cus i didnt read


File: 1722189489696.jpg ( 137.67 KB , 590x876 , Helena_Petrovna_Blavatsky.jpg )

dont know if related but she is related to popularizing occultism that spread/lead to nazi's occultism or something


>What is the explanation for this?
The enlightenment never fully permeated the fabric of society.
Rudimentary Scientific thinking cures a lot of the mysticism, but that is something you have to actively learn on top of what you passively absorb from society.

Problem Number 1
Language, we don't have words that make you include qualifiers for information.
You can say
<yesterday Bob ate pudding
This doesn't say whether you saw Bob eating the pudding, whether you heard John claim that Bob was eating the pudding or whether you did a DNA analysis on saliva residue of the empty pudding cup.

If the enlightenment had reached full permeation, the above example would be considered a grammatical error, and you'd have to include the prominence of the information. There might be special word-endings or pre-fixes for words that say where the information comes from,
or simple qualifier words like this:

<Testify, yesterday bob ate pudding

you remember seeing bob

<Relay from John, yesterday bob ate pudding

you heard John make claims about bob

<Measured, yesterday bob ate pudding

you have physical proof

Problem Number 2
Better words is only one part of overcoming magical thinking. Another is bad default assumptions.

It's easy for people to create a false believe in the efficacy in magical rituals, because sometimes magical rituals coincide with happenings.
Therefore you have to assume by default that correlations between events is coincidence unless you have reasons to believe it's not.

For example we don't have many stories where the protagonist tests convictions, where figuring out what's what is the main obstacle. In most of our stories the hero get handed super reliable information on a silver platter.

The obstacles in our stories are:
the environment,
other people,
our own inadequacies,
but not uncertain knowledge

Problem Number 3
There is more, we don't separate the self from the opinions we hold. Making an opinion into an object is something very hard, that requires a lot of mental effort.
This is a cognitive praxis, you're not learning from society. Opinions just come to us, we don't think about it in terms of collecting opinions, we usually can't describe the qualities of an opinion. That's a huge cognitive gap in our minds.

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