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File: 1723401082118.jpg ( 383.34 KB , 1872x883 , orbit egirl masturbate sex….jpg )


wtf bros, is this real?


I wonder how many joules of energy release they are talking about. I guess there's some friction but that probably isn't that much.


File: 1727896612740-1.jpg ( 11.27 KB , 200x200 , prana-film-cine-elhype.jpg )

Folks/comrades, are sex magick rituals real? What if the world is largely reactionary/oppressed because we've been jacking off to reactionary things/under the influence of capital realism? What if i jacked off while focusing on communism?


File: 1727896769356.jpg ( 56.75 KB , 630x526 , etsy selling Blood Offerin….jpg )

Selling Satanic sigil blood rituals on Etsy?


File: 1727897218473-0.jpg ( 52.77 KB , 1176x195 , Bible-reading Pentagon com….jpg )

File: 1727897218473-1.mp4 ( 21.34 MB , 640x360 , alex jones demons.mp4 )

I'd post about a certain show but it'd be spoilers. If you know, you know.


File: 1727897821583-0.png ( 365.86 KB , 576x581 , ai applied demonology tech….png )

File: 1727897821583-2.jpg ( 69.93 KB , 526x681 , demonic chip boards.jpg )

File: 1727897821583-3.jpg ( 101.1 KB , 1078x1069 , wizard modern technology q….jpg )

File: 1727897821583-4.jpg ( 170.8 KB , 364x1429 , circuit board magick ClQD4….jpg )



File: 1727897878946-0.jpg ( 75.16 KB , 631x531 , sex magic ritual vice.jpg )

Was COVID caused by a sex magic ritual?


If you stretch the meaning of sex magic
Technically yes, but also no.


You saying someone had sex with an animal, like AIDS being started by a person having sex with both humans and monkeys?


No you got to stretch it a lot further. Sexual reproduction enabled large and complicated multicellular organisms that have things like respiratory tracts. And that caused the specialization of viruses that use respiration to spread them selves, COVID is an example of such a thing.


Adorable chop chop boys keep posting

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