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Scientist Proposes AI-Powered Mind Control to Rehabilitate Criminals

The video description states:

Introducing Cognify, the prison of the future. This facility is designed to treat criminals like patients. Instead of spending years in an actual prison cell, prisoners could finish their sentence here in just a few minutes. Cognify could someday create and implant artificial memories directly into the prisoner’s brain. It could offer a new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The Prison of the Future - Cognify


World Economic Forum (WEF)

A WEF presentation explained how the monitoring of brainwaves could be used to “fight crime,” as explained in this video

The WEF wants to monitor your brainwaves to "raise productivity" and to "fight crime".


File: 1728494736946.jpg ( 91.11 KB , 600x409 , cognify7.jpg )

The same scientist who Proposes AI-Powered Mind Control to Rehabilitate Criminals
also proposed artificial womb facilities that create custom babies


File: 1728494783911.png ( 29.71 KB , 896x254 , Screenshot-2024-06-27-1557….png )

Artificial memory science already existed in 2019


It's an investor scam.
A while ago rich people got scammed with immortality bullshit or promises that wealthy people could buy new and improved body-parts, and upgrade them selves like a house or a car.

And the new scam is technology that manages the plebs. If anybody had the ability to build technology to reprogram people, they wouldn't sell it they would use it to take over the world. You don't need money if you have mind-control.

Seriously we don't know how brains work in detail, we only have correlative models and those can't do any of this. Neurological research is progressing glacially because we lack new physics that would enable us to build brain-scanners with high enough resolution to get fully functional models.

We're being idiots for not getting in on this and using the money for good causes.

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