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File (hide): 1625592727641.jpeg ( 56.75 KB , 1081x767 , june red sweater.jpeg )


 No.391[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>481>>493>>498

Lets talk about June. Is she Vaush's side piece? Is she a reactionary?


>Vaush's side piece
His only side piece is a big fat hamburger in his fridge. The dude can't even see his own dick.


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How did they get leaked, was it glowcord?


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no idea these are from a halfchan thread


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Those are really small tits


I don't fin her tbh but thank you for your efforts anon. How sensitive is she about the leak? Idon't follow breadtube drama


Just watched this shes an empty poser attention whore and deserves nothing but mockery


I like the glasses


they have a pretty good shape and bet feel too. and those nipples are hfhfhfffff


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Didnt post the only good one


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Look at the other posts brah. She has decent sized tits. Tits tend to flatten out when a girl lays on her back unless said tits are made of silicone.


Another braindead lib with a stupid face and stupid takes. You will never be Boxxy.


One thing she got wrong is thinking that she was not lying when she said she never used 4chan.
Everyone who was around at the time knows she was a /b/whore


the anon Philposter is replying to is a virgin




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true true. I will, in the simplest terms possible, lay out some simple, easy to remember rules about tit mechanics

when woman lay down, tits flatten out and usually fall to the side

when woman run, tits flop about and sometimes painful

when woman lean forward and bend down, tits hang cuz gravity

when woman bring arms in real close and squeeze tits for lust provoking selfie, tits pop out

they are just lumps of fat. simple as


will leftypol ever be able to talk about a woman without sexualizing her the minute after?


this seems to me to be more of a problem of /b/ than one of /leftypol/


GOTTEM >>83222 >>83222 >>83222


Is it true she wears wigs? What's the condition she has?


/b/ is the coom board so no


21st century female that doesn't have enough estrogen to grow her own damn hair-itis


Kiwifarms stream for the deep lore


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do you have a single fact to back up this claim?


is this the watermelonium inventor?


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>not enough estrogen
rlly makes u think


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yes I also discoverd the Formula for Obamium but then some man in black suits with american accent came to my lab and took everything


Her pussy is like perfect lol.

Interesting fact: Sh0e on head has alophasia. A mental disorder that causes her to pull out her hair. If you notice she's always wearing wigs. That's why.


Go back.


My hair just falls out on its own.


june is junko she's going to reference it in her next video


Ahhh liar


No way they live in different states.


That's the fate of most 40 year old virgin neck beards


>t. jaba the vaush discord mod


So what's up with her name? Its a 4chan reference, right?


Fake details.
Im in her discord she told me


>Implying Junko is a real woman


>A mental disorder that causes her to pull out her hair.

I'm not sure I understand. Is it like an anxiety disorder that makes her yank her hair?


I think it was actually a snapchat


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trans women are women and trans men are men


It's trichotillomania. It's like OCD


It's the cowards' version of sharpie in pooper.


>Popeposter is not a reactionary


Is there a picture of her with her natural hair? I'm curious


Seems off. Why would a well known leftist want to be associated with the chanosphere?
Shame there's no sharpie pics


>Implying Junko is a trans woman and not a 40-year-old groomer


Not sure
Probably not anything more recent than like ten years ago


Never said she was. But trans people are still valid.


Originally she was just anti-"SJW", she only became somewhat leftist after she broke up with her boyfriend. She's basically budget Boxxy so it's not surprising at all.


Its probably best to just ignore her then. Anyone who used 4chan and floated in antisjw circles in the past is probably not the best mouthpiece for leftism.


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just general attentionwhoreish attitude


Why are French vocals always so good


uygha how do you know she broke up with armored skeptic? And they were married.


I’m willing to bet Junko got indicted for touching minors and they are in prison now for it.


someone said it on /leftypol/ I never watched a single video of her


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>Her pussy is like perfect lol
Agreed. And despite the fact that she is a grifter, it really sucks that she's got that. I hope she's learned to manage it.


god, femoids are ugly


Don’t be gullible. I haven’t watched her in a long while and I’m sure they’re still together.


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You only think that because your point of reference is heavily made-up girls, and they are compelled to make themselves pretty from a disturbingly young age. My girl never wears makeup; she didn't wear makeup when I met her, and I have only seen her apply makeup twice. I am attracted to her regardless. She has also gained weight since I started dating her, and that is okay, because I love her and I will be attracted to her regardless, because I am not superficial. I will admit though, there are women who I am more attracted to and occasionally lust after, but I wouldn't trade my gf for anyone in the world.


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and I want to make it clear that I am not settling and have been with women of all shapes, sizes, races, and levels of physical attraction. The key to finding a good relationship is truly focusing on everything but looks, and finding somebody that you have good chemistry with. My gf and I rarely argue, and when we do it is always mild and respectful and we make up immediately after. She knows me better than anyone in the world, and I know her better than anyone (and probably treat her better and love her more than anyone who has ever been in her life, cause she had a poor upbringing)


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Unequivocally based


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thanks friend :) people need to despook themselves from the western, patriarchal, consumerist beauty standards they have been conditioned with. A lot of women hate wearing makeup but do it out of insecurity. Makeup is bourgeois, and if you can't be attracted to a woman who isn't caked in that shit, then you need to rethink things.


Why are you telling these spergs this stuff? They have no relationship experience and so they don’t have the experience to understand what you are saying and where you’re coming from. This is an imageboard made up of many virgins and possibly incels with that mindset that isn’t grounded in anything real.


They did break up. Skeptic released a whole blog about it. Google that shit retard. It got posted on the last june thread


Gender doesn't exist you stupid fucking anarchist.


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Isn't that more of a reason to make posts like mine? Incels are hyperfocused on physical appearance, and probably would refuse sex from a girl who is anything below 8/10 in their mind. What they crave is obviously intimacy and love, but they will never find that if they obsess over looks. I don't hate incels (so long as they are not misogynistic, trans/homophobic and just generally nasty people), and they need to learn from people who aren't PUAs or other incels shilling superficial "self-improvement" like looksmaxing and lifting and shit. I don't think they are undeserving of love, and love generally makes one into a better and happier person.


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>Gender doesn't exist
please explain


Yeah my gf hardly ever wears make up and almost never shaves, I am still attracted to her.

On some special nights, she will put on a tiny bit of make up and I love it though, but I think that's because it is kind of special.

I can only imagine how much I would hate shaving and make up if I was a FEMOID CHARACTER


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Gender is an ideal that was artificially created through the evolution of early capitalism because you needed some one to take care of the 27 kids you had while you went off to work. It's just an idealist notion of how things "should be" not the reality that some people enjoy wearing different things. It's a spook.


why are attentionwhores such fags


I haven’t kept up uygha suck my dick


My advice to them would be just to talk to more girls whether it’s irl or online, it doesn’t matter. They need to talk to more of them and build up something of a personality through that, it may not be a pretty personality but it’s a foundation to help them understand who they are and understand what they need to improve. They should not expect these women they talk to to give them everything, instead they need to see some casualness in talking to women. Even the biggest of assholes can find something to learn even just being an asshole in a relationship, I’m very much a huge asshole but that helps me understand my own shitty patterns when I’m talking to other girls, this shit took me years to notice. A sperg won’t spot this if they try to expect to have a deep relationship with any woman they meet instead of just letting things bloom on its own.


>tfw you literally find makeup off-putting
I have seen lots of people (mostly women but not exclusively) with and without makeup and in 99% of cases I think they look better without it. The exceptions are people who are just very unfortunately ugly and have makeup skills that make them look like a different person entirely.

IDK I like seeing the actual texture of people's skin. It makes them look real. Makeup makes you look fake, like some kind of painted up doll.




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Exactly, pretty women are attractive even without makeup, and they certainly shouldn't be compelled to do their face and hair and shave every morning if they don't want. I wouldn't wanna do that shit. It's funny seeing incels talk about how women are ugly without makeup when they probably do not take care of themselves at all.
Exactly. Most of them view women as an alien species essentially. Your post and the Cuck Philosphy/Jonas video describe the phenomenon pretty well.
I feel that, I am the same way to a certain degree. It can be nice on special occasions, but I would never expect a woman to be makeup'd every single day. If you are attracted to somebody, you will likely be attracted to them without makeup.




idk I did a quick search and the internet seems to agree


you for real?


both actually


Can't believe you almost got it right and she's actually Graceposter


Shut the fuck up. It's either Alopecia or trichotillomania. Tired of leftypol burgerfaggot disinformation. You all are burgerfaggots. Doesn't matter if you're from Europe or not.


how does somebody get even a disease like that


>>391 (OP)
she's an anti idpol socdem. I tend to distrust anyone in the vaush-o-sphere. Hopefully she gets an actual gommie BF in the future since she tends to base her opinions on those of whatever her boyfriend of the moment says


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>Hopefully she gets an actual gommie BF in the future


Why tf is a girl with tha good a body "dating" Vaush?


I don't think people date nearly as tacticfully as people try to think they do

I guess they are in the same social circle, and it must have happened somehow with constant meeting.

But the important thing to learn here is that looks are not everything, stupidity is.


She believes in the family unit, yes she's reactionary.


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90 comments about who JuneonHead is dating. Bruh..


She also has a trick of portraying internationalists as globalists/neoliberals who she always calls pedophiles
So be wary if you're arguing with her or someone who is her fan


No, I'm a kissless virgin neet and scared to death of all social interaction. I have zero interest in relationships/sex until I get my life somewhat sorted, yet I find that women are much more likely than men to prey on my social awkwardness from lack of experience when I'm minding my own business or going through the motions of something inconsequential.

So while I'm not straight up a hater of all things female, my experience is that by being male my relation to women is much more adversarial than with men, completely unilaterally. I'm just trying to not panic around people and push words through my mouth without freezing or sounding like a retard (which is most often the case tbh).


sh0e has better takes than vaush


Joe Biden has better takes than Vaush.


does she take it in the ass


well, vaush does


>>391 (OP)

Kraut the bird said she's like a straight up nazi basically.

I dislike her takes that I have seen so I agree



She's laying down. Also, little tits are as good as big tits, just in different ways


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>Vaush's side piece


this is Vaush's nude. Unless you want to see him naked, DO NOT CLICK.


lmao and the ogre's hand showing up there


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>>391 (OP)
>side piece
he and Hyena aren't together anymore, just friends now.


>Just watched this shes an empty poser attention whore and deserves nothing but mockery
>the video is made by the same person


Kiwifarms gay.


Isn't shoe a Tulcel? gross.


Is *cel the new *tard?


I always assumed they were fucking.


Prototypical example of when a women doesn't have female friends and who's life revolves around male approval and attention, everything about her career screams this- i don't think she's had a real kinship with another woman that wasn't on twitter- it's quite sad, but makes sense on why she jumps political postion depending on the male she wants approval from kek


Yeah, she is part of the nazbol vortex, why are you surprised?






Sh0e should become a mod.


I don't know how she doesn't put a stop to it herself. Does she like being this way? Does she not know she's like it? Maybe part of why I vibe with her, is overall lack of friendship with other women, as you speculate is a problem for her. I doubt if she is autistic too though, however autistic women tend to be better at hiding autism than men (I can somewhat too), so maybe that happened. I think autistic women may have some trouble connecting with other women. I'm not sure. Do you think June has autism? I don't mean to be offensive asking it. I know she browses on 4chan.


Makes sense. Can you recommend any literature pertaining to this idea specifically?


Is there even a woman without entire nude photo albums stored on their phone? yall are weird


roasties be roastin
i would drag my balls through broken glass just for


> looks are not everything, stupidity is.


If it's not on their phone it's one someone else's.


or in the cloud forever


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>no one posted this yet


Cringe, no wonder Tulcels love her


Holy fuck I'm not even 10 seconds in and im already cringing beyond belief


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women are just uglier than men, sorry


Lol, no.

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