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/777/ - Weapons and War

"An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only deserves to be treated like slaves" - V. I. Lenin
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File: 1706982787708.png ( 23.85 KB , 519x661 , gunsrateeuro.PNG )


How come post-Eastern Bloc countries not full of guns?


I think there's a question of how the survey data was collected. Would you tell anyone if you had an illegal rifled firearm it the survey was "anonymous" or not? I also wonder if the guns were acquired by criminal organizations over time post 90s. It was trying times and the cool makarov you found might have saved your son and/or daughter from whoring on the streets for another week.


I wouldn't take this data at face value.

I imagine this survey only takes into account registered guns (or else how would they know they exist?), and there are a lot of unregistered firearms in barns, bunkers and attics all over eastern europe. The countries at the very top of the graph have long traditions of citizens militias, sports shooting and hunting, which gives reason for firearm ownership to be recorded and licensed. The top countries also have low populations which help them to achieve their status. Serbia meanwhile inherited most of the EXTENSIVE Yugo stockpile and was also involved in a war fairly recently. Guns are everywhere after wars.

I am surprised by Czechia though, that country has the most liberal gun laws in Europe. Firearm ownership there is even less restrictive than in some US states. I thought it would be higher.


<How come post-Eastern Bloc countries are not full of registered guns?
there, fixed it.
After the neo-liberal shock-doctrine in 90s people stopped trusting the government.


File: 1707030215645.jpg ( 58.62 KB , 1000x945 , 1707030151978.jpg )

A great follow-up question is: how are they still getting ammo? Is there a significant stockpile circulating in the market or is there illegal manufacturing? If so, what extent?

Do you turn in your brass to get reloaded for a fee? Where would they get primers? Are you at risk of Ivan's pissin' hot reloads? Perhaps new ammo is purchased illicitly from serving military.

With the ammo situation, is it common to practice shooting or just possess the equipment?


>>1438 (me)
further more, what are the implications for collapse in countries without a history of private arms ownership? and how might communist learn from post soviet private weapons acquisition? This of course is less relevant to the US, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil where access to weapons illicit or not has a more clear path.

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