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/777/ - Weapons and War

"An oppressed class which does not strive to learn to use arms, to acquire arms, only deserves to be treated like slaves" - V. I. Lenin
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File: 1707331984839.png ( 784.64 KB , 960x615 , benelli-m4-18076.png )


How overrated is this shotgun, if at all?


I've never heard of any major issues. looks solid to me especially for a autoloader. There's a reason Turks like to make copies of it. It's just expensive and I'm not sure how superior it is to pump action which has proven to be just as reliable


>I'm not sure how superior it is to pump action which has proven to be just as reliable
I imagine being able to put 3-4 shells into something in less than 2 seconds has it's advantages.


yeah but for the price, I'd rather get a pumpy which is likely all you need to defend yourself and get a rifle chambered in a cartridge that can reach out to your local requirements for legal hog hunting


>>1460 (me)
major caveat of course is what you can realistically obtain. If you're in the UK, you're correct and the benelli is probably the best you can do at least that I'm aware of


>I imagine being able to put 3-4 shells into something in less than 2 seconds has it's advantages.
When you need something to be triple or quadruple dead in less than 2 seconds ?

I don't understand why you want a high rate of fire for a personal firearm ?
You can't call in for a ammo supply drop if you run out, like a military plattoon would.


High rate of fire is absolutely necessary for the proletariat. I am just questioning the value proposition of a 2k shotgun when you could have a 300 usd shotgun that's nearly as good and spending that 1700 on a mid tier AR or even high quality AK if you're obsessed about that sort of thing. There's no downsides just carry your ammo on your rig.


>High rate of fire is absolutely necessary for the proletariat.
I don't see why, and you admit that it's expensive and requires lugging lots of ammo.

The reason for arming the proletariat are political. The goal is to make it very difficult to brutalize people, not to create a militarized formation.


File: 1707372991224.gif ( 2.53 MB , 600x429 , 1707372900234.gif )

you're either sour grapes, an opportunist, or book worshipper


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I'm beginning to reconsider. In modern combat against drones it may be worth it to have at least one semi shotgun in the arsenal


Nova is always better!


what about the large double barrel shotguns they used for shooting clay pigeons ?


reload time is worse than pumpies let alone semi autos. These are also a lot more expensive in the US than a cheapo mossberg and generally inferior where it counts.


Can shotguns shoot nets? Nets would probably be better at taking down a drone


how would you set up a net if you're mobile? they have their place for stuff like a window but you can always be canvassed in a giant net


oh you mean can shotguns shoot nets out of the barrel: no. Net guns exist but they're only good out to a few yards. I don't think a net shotgun is possible due to drag limitations and ability to actually deploy the net instead of it being a flaccid tail behind some shot. The shells would also have to be ludicrous in size. Not worth the effort just destroy the drone or begin the difficult task of developing an illegal signal jammer.


If you can make a shotgun shell that operates like a flakcannon round with a proximity fuse, that deploys the net when it senses it's near a drone, that might work.

Since the net isn't deployed right away there would be no problems with drag. And it would retain useful range and accuracy.

I wonder if it's possible to modify the formula for silly-string to give it better tensile strength and use that as the "net".


The benellis are absurdly reliable, the marines are known for breaking a lot of stuff, but even they can't make one of these stop running. But it's more expensive than they should, and if aren't LE/Military they come as barebones as it gets, the mossberg 940 is also very reliable and costs half

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