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In one of his vids Cockshott proposed a tax on childless males because they don't contribute to the reproduction of the labor power of society. There is much wrong with this proposition.

First is an economic argument - the obvious preferred solution should be the corresponding increase in productivity to outset the declining population, and not more surplus extraction out of the subset of the population to stimulate higher birth rates.

Second is a moral argument stemming out of the concept of "justice" - people should not be punished for what they have no control over. To hold that men control the means of reproduction and can voluntary decide when to have kids and when not to is to be ignorant of the evidence to the contrary.
Cockshott brings an example of the Soviet Union right after WW2 when the similar policy was implemented. But he fails to understand the specific conditions at the time - a massive disbalance of the male and female populations and a large number of single mothers. To implement the same policy in the conditions of gender balance is unjustifiable - you don't tax paralyzed cripples for not contributing to the reproduction of labor either, do you? Well, some men are the same even if they can walk.
So if you're still gonna tackle the problem of a declining population with more taxes, then the tax should be levied on the general population as do all other taxes that go to the societal needs, or even a higher income section of the population according to the principle of progressive taxation.


Maybe you misunderstood Cockshott, he's not trying to punish unattractive men.

I think this is about people not having children in order to accumulate capital, and restart an economic cycle that could lead back to capitalism. If I remember this correctly Cockshott compares the rate at which households are accumulating wealth. And he wants this to be roughly the same across all society, so that there can't be a "type of household" that's a better strategy for getting wealth.

People tend to read into this some kind of cultural context, but in reality Cockshott is trying to close loop-holes that could lead back to the formation of a capitalist class.


>I think this is about people not having children in order to accumulate capital, and restart an economic cycle that could lead back to capitalism.
By not having children they can't pass on their accumulated capital.


>In one of his vids Cockshott proposed a tax on childless males because they don't contribute to the reproduction of the labor power of society.
Holy shit. Now I want to read this guy
>You don't tax paralyzed cripples for not contributing to the reproduction of labor either
Cels are invalids, confirmed


>Cels are invalids
Yes, sexual invalids.
Incels should get benefits, not be taxed for their disability.

Tax the women who prefer to ride a Chad cock carousel until their eggs shrink - they are the true gatekeepers of the population growth.


Cockshott just took the feminist pill. He doesn't understand that women are no longer a disenfranchised part of the population. They surpass males in higher education degrees and home ownership now.
He should update his theory according to the objective conditions, not keep droning about "muh whomen" like he did when he was still a student.


>By not having children they can't pass on their accumulated capital.
Well they still can have other extended family outside of a household. There are hardcore people who will fully submit to the brutal rationale of capital and task one part of the family to produce heirs while all the rest gets tasked with accumulating capital. These capital "accumulator-men" could theoretically also donate sperm to a cryogenic sperm bank, and have offspring after the family-clan has gained enough capital to become able to extract wealth from society, even if that's after they passed away.

Cockshott lives in the UK where a lot of really old and very ruthless family clans still hold considerable power. He's probably able to analyze those kinds of strategies from real world examples.

At the very least it is worth considering that this kind of stuff could become a stumbling block for socialism. You could try to find another solution if you don't like the one that Cockshott has offered.


Why do people glorify human breeders so much to thw piint of taxing those whom dont particpate?

Alot of child rearing adults dont raise theor own offspring. Also, procreation is a choice not a mandate.


Cockshott, more like Cuckshott haha


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incels are stupid bastards who are not only fundamentally retarded in their social ineptitude, but also retarded in regards to politics. Like talking to a troon, you must be critical when they claim to be a socialist in some capacity. In what way? For the troon, Marxism Leninism means free hrt and getting to watch anime all day on benefits. For the incel it is much the same except with sex dolls instead of hormones. An incel can never be a true communist because they are infected with misanthropic beliefs and narcissistic personalities. They can't comprehend why maintaining a stable birth rate should be incentivised because they never leave their goon cave outside of the few who work. "Proletarian" incels like "proletarian" troons should be investigated critically in every organization they attempt to enter. Remember that these "people" are a symptom of the degeneration of capitalism and it's eugenic theories. Under communism there will be no such thing as troons or incels.


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don't you have some suicidal ideation to attend to?


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>In one of his vids Cockshott proposed a tax on childless males because they don't contribute to the reproduction of the labor power of society.
There already is one. Single males are taxed the most by a significant margin. This higher tax burden makes it harder to be come financially stable enough to attract a mate compounding the problem.


>dont question my mindless entitlement to make more babies


Cockshott is such a cuck, what has he even done besides Microsoft Power Point videos?


Communism is about the production and reproduction of real life. Incels are counter-revolutionary.


only the conscious incel. I've seen incels do crazy shit in orgs for a speck of used up DSA pig pussy. Imagine a battalion of incels. They could be like Wagner and die with no loss to society


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His Power Point slides are hilarious tho, low key deadpan comedy channel.

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