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The decline was almost entirely driven by teen boys killing themselves at a significantly lower rate.

What is the explanation for this data?
Many of you were teenagers yourselves during this period, what made life so good back then?


the real question is why did it rebound after


>Many of you were teenagers yourselves during this period, what made life so good back then?
Lmao what? Youngest guys to be teens (13) in year 2000 are 36 years old now. I sure hope they're not still posting on obscure chans. Literally anything else would be a better use of time.






Hard to say, many correlations could be made.
The 1995 to 2010 period for example also correlates with the internet being very affordable and also relatively organic, since the tools for manipulating online communities didn't exist yet or were relatively rudimentary. Weather or not that is actually the cause, is of course entirely speculative.

It has to be pointed out that OP may be trying to collect data on the age of the user-base.


I'm only 32 fag.


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Major events around then would be 9/11, Iraq War, the internet going mainstream and the begining of a general cultural decline. Another big one would be the west losing the last of their industrial jobs to China, as the Chinese economy really started to take off.
Although to be honest I don't see how any of this would make teenage boys suddenly decide to rope.

>It has to be pointed out that OP may be trying to collect data on the age of the user-base.
I'm not but it's good to be paranoid of course.


don't forget the great recession bro
actually that seems to line up perfectly with the point it rebounds


rollout of the internet




because music - it was a synthesis and crossing cultural boundaries - but they don't want us to unite and fight for what's right, so they artificially cancelled it by suing for sampling rights and such


This would've created less, not more suicides because then they'd find older people that could mentor them online and realize their full potential because of how mature they are for their age


Fello 32 year old boomer here, I would have been in grade 4 in 2000.


I've seen that video on TikTok and I FUCKING HATE IT why did you post it?


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It spikes in 1990. If you were a teen in 1990 that'd make you a Gen Xer. Contrary to popular belief Gen X are the ones that were exposed to the greatest amount of lead, not Boomers.
Also there's a 1 to 1 correlation between lead exposure and rape in an area. You never hear about this from feminist because they are huge virtue signaling hypocrites.


Why don't feminists talk about lead and rape correlations?


Because they are huge virtue signaling hypocrites.




What do feminists gain about not talking about lead exposure and rape correlations?


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Since it's a bourgeois movement they keep poor women focused on issued that only effect rich women like the glass ceiling or bullshit cultural issues like the pink tax.


Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


Cant tell if joking or not.

Obscure chans are midlife crisis sanctuaries for Millennials and Zoomers.


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I miss 2000s/early 2010 era girls


So basically current-year, then

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