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Will this be the new norm?


You get what you tolerate


polyamory doesn't matter as long as it's all consensual, but, the dumb bitch can't be up front about it.


Historically for a man to have a harem of 9 lovers he would need to be a fearless warrior, a conqueror or a king. Today all women need to have the same is be at least a 5/10 and own a bumble account.


>Will this be the new norm?
Probably not, polygamy and polyamory require too much mental capacity to keep track off the social complexity, there is a potential small advantage in genetic diversity for societies where everybody has multiple partners, but it usually isn't worth the tradeoff.


I do some times think that society would be better if we treat sex and romance as a more group oriented thing in society, some times. I know it's idealistic but…


>Everyone else should change to accomodate my feelz and sense of inadequacy
Leftychan is on a roll today


That's no what I said at all.
Imagine posting the same straw man every single day to try and get a rise out of people on an anonymous image board. I be you have a super interesting life.


That already happens a lot. It's called swinger parties and orgies. A big underground kink thing

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