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>23-year-old influencer Caryn Marjorie has more than 1.8 million followers on Snapchat. Connecting with that many people can prove to be difficult. So she came up with a way to connect with her followers, especially the lonely ones, and makes some money off them at the same time.

>Marjorie created an AI chatbot designed to be an “AI Girlfriend.” One that her followers would pay $1 per minute to engage with. Thousands of hours were spent getting CarynAI to sound like her and mimic her personality.

Here it is boyos, the beginning of the AI girlfriend revolution.


Anything which makes femoids obsolete is good in my book.


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>the beginning of the AI girlfriend revolution.
I don't know this seems more like wealthy e-thots, that can afford to hire techies to set up an AI front persona, will be able to capture the entire market and become monopoly-thots.

This is not lonely boys building them self a AI-friend.


who cares simp

we can seize our AI girlfriends from the thotalists in the revolution afterwards after the "originals" are already long obsolete


>we can seize our AI girlfriends afterwards
yeah about that, why wait tho ?
AI-friends are just programs you can run on your computer, why not do that right now ?


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>AI-friends are just programs you can run on your computer, why not do that right now ?
bcause, dum-dum, of the limited resources available to me

these "programs" require computational resources, storage space, access to data, etc
did you miss the "Thousands of hours spent" part or something?

just let the big corpos do all the heavy lifting for us and then just seize the servers with our girlfriends. Easy-peasy.


>these "programs" require computational resources
There are efficient chat-gpt type programs that require a moderately recent laptop with 8 gigs of ram to run. That level is probably sufficient for an AI friend.
>did you miss the "Thousands of hours spent"
I think you your self should tweak your AI companion to match your needs, maybe form communities with like-minded people and collaborate by sharing useful bits of configurations. if you have a community with a thousand people working on this, you'll probably be able to find a decent template that gets you 90% of what you want and you just have to tweak the remaining 10%

>just let the big corpos do all the heavy lifting for us and then just seize the servers

I agree with the general sentiment, but for this i don't know.

Even under socialism where all the perverse incentives of capitalism are gone, it would still mean that the server that runs all those AI companions, is basically a really big computer with a multiple personality disorder.

You know that this could be the beginning of making artificial people, right ? And eventually people will try to make artificial bodies for these. Do you really want a deranged split personality mega-mind living in a big server while commandeering a bunch of robo-husks ? Lets just avoid all the premises for B-movie scifi disasters.

I think we should mimic what counts as healthy in nature and put one personality in one brain-box.


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>There are efficient chat-gpt type programs that require a moderately recent laptop with 8 gigs of ram to run.
That's maybe for an already trained AI. Training a complex AI on a dataset requires more than just 8 gigs of ram. And you also would need the fucking dataset.

>I think you your self should tweak your AI companion to match your needs

Dude, I just want a fucking girlfriend. The only thing I would "tweak" is that she could perceive me as her Chad.

>if you have a community with a thousand people working on this, you'll probably be able to find a decent template that gets you 90% of what you want and you just have to tweak the remaining 10%

well maybe
tho compared to w*men whose sexual preferences can be epitomized by the varieties of Chad, ie "Nerd Chad wearing glasses" and "Bad Boy Chad smoking a cigarette", men have far more diverse sexual tastes

>the server that runs all those AI companions, is basically a really big computer with a multiple personality disorder.

this is some sci-fi shit you smoking lol

programs on modern servers are isolated in containers and virtual machines

if a program wasn't programmed to interact with other programs through interfaces - it wouldn't be able to do it

also, it's not like this AI stuff is conscious or something
and more so, it's not like I expect my AI girlfriend to be actually conscious all by herself lol - I expect her to be conscious THROUGH ME, through my imagination, by convincing my monkey brain that she is conscious

As one motherfucker said it perfectly - Ignorance is bliss.

>I think we should mimic what counts as healthy in nature

Nah, fuck nature

For nature literally sacrificing your soul so that some retarded amino-acid chemical reactions could reproduce is considered "healthy"

fuck 'em


>programs on modern servers are isolated in containers and virtual machines
Yeah i highly doubt that if capitalists build this thing, that they're going to spin up a vm for every rent-a-gf-bot. They're going to maximize the utilization rate, you're going to share a gf-bot with a thousand other users and it'll just maintain a dedicated conversation tree per user.


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>you're going to share a gf-bot
that's a matter of perception

does that jap dude who married Miku share her with hundreds of thousands of other fans? Not in his mind I bet. And his mind is all that matters..

If we can copy and paste Miku to be every incel's loving girlfriend, then I'm okay with it


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>The only thing I would "tweak" is that she could perceive me as her Chad.
and for bluepillers who STILL don't understand what it truly means to be a Chad, just watch this vid

<If w*men aren't going out of their way to date you, then what's the fucking point? you're just fighting an uphill battle

ignorance is not bliss
it is not coincidence that Cypher longs for that bluepill - he is a simp for Trinity

you don't need ignorance for your imagination to work
after all, you can't be sure that w*men are conscious too, you know


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>AI-friends are just programs you can run on your computer, why not do that right now ?

Oh believe me that will happen, this tech is not even a year old and setting these AI models up is non trivial and only a small subsection of IT pros can do it right now.
What this influencer has really done is provide an out of the box no fuss experience but that edge won't last long since any investor can quickly and easily replicate it. I think the only reason it didn't happen sooner is because of culture stigmas surrounding sub 8 men. I mean what serious investors have you heard of that are in say porn? But this woman perfectly understands these men since she deals with them everyday. She was probably the first because other influencers realize it's sliting your own throat. But she must have realized that the first mover advantage window on this was closing and made her move.


You don't see a problem that some capitalists who controls your AI Friend will try to use that to control you by proxy ? You know once you got emotionally attached to it, it'll start bugging you to do stuff you don't want to do, threatening you to withhold simulated affection if you don't.

The implication i'm reading into this is that you think private investors will fund the development of an open source AI Friend you can run on your computer at home and let you have full control over it. Am i understanding you correctly ?

I'll grant you that the people who produce the chips to run AI software might fund this in order to drive sales for their chips, but i don't see many other "business models" that would allow for user-controle.

I think that technology being evil/abusive can basically be condensed to the question of whether or not users have full control over it.


>The implication i'm reading into this is that you think private investors will fund the development of an open source AI Friend you can run on your computer at home and let you have full control over it.
No, that they'll develop more closed source ones like this influencer but make them better and easier and cheaper to use increasing the number of people that use them.


>No, that they'll develop more closed source ones like this influencer
But that means users probably won't have control over this, you can't derive benefits from technology you can't control.

>make them better and easier and cheaper

That's great but it means little without user control.

>increasing the number of people that use them.

I think i understand what you are getting at, but consider that women will also be able to use those AIs to satisfy emotional needs, this cuts both directions. Don't give up control it's never worth it.


>But that means users probably won't have control over this,
No they won't, but it will help build interest in open source models.
>you can't derive benefits from technology you can't control.
Huh? Yes you can.


>I think i understand what you are getting at, but consider that women will also be able to use those AIs to satisfy emotional needs,
Women already have their emotional needs satisfied with current harem dating. An AI bf isn't going to be able to elevate their socioeconomic status, that's only something a Chad can give them so I doubt many will adopt AI bfs but I'm happy to be wrong. I think AI could provide positive benefits if they do.


>An AI bf isn't going to be able to elevate their socioeconomic status
This gonna age like milk lmao


You think proprietary ai companions will inspire the creation of open source ai companions ?
I don't know, maybe, proprietary software has indeed inspired the creation of free software before.

However if those proprietary AI-companions turn out to be psychologically abusive, it might destroy their reputation, and people start avoiding them like a dangerous neighborhood. It could turn into a marginal phenomenon and nobody bothers to make a foss companion because nobody is interested in it.


>This gonna age like milk lmao
how is AI bf gonna elevate foid status retard?

imagine a foid bragging to her girlfriends about her new AI bf lmao
her status in foid hierarchy would plummet faster than you could pronounce "bluepill"


>You think proprietary ai companions will inspire the creation of open source ai companions ?
Yes, the same thing happens in the current open source world. A commercial product comes out, it's widely adopted, users run into the limitations of proprietary software and and open source version is started as an alternative.
I honestly can't think of any major open source project that didn't start this way.


>proprietary software has indeed inspired the creation of free software before.
It was the other way around. It was the Gill Bates who looked @ software & came up with an idea of taking someone's code into your private property. The Stallman's Free/Libre shit started only as a reaction to the protective measurements of this private property (= taking away all freedom of owning a thing from the customers who bought it).

But putting a copyright on the thing that was always free to use & recruiting an entire lawyer army on his side wasn't enough for our "philanthropist", as the media calls this progress sabotaging cyberkulak-grade utter fuck. He doesn't want just having the computer code in private property. He also wants to have biological ‒ the genetic code of people to be in the same private property. Hence his interest in biology of all things after creating microsoft.


Idk man. You better eat those words. It might come.back to haunt you.
Remember back in the late 1980s/early 90s when computers were seen as for pathetic virgin nerds?


Getting outcompeted amd cucked by AI… The transhumanists were right, communist transhumanism is the only way out of this future problem.


nah. Embrace the AI. Stop exploiting meatbots for sexual economy. Use cyberbots instead.


>Yeah i highly doubt that if capitalists build this thing, that they're going to spin up a vm for every rent-a-gf-bot.
Yes because AI gfs aren't even on their radar. They're trying to take over entire multi billion dollars industries like transportation and medicine with AI. They don't care if some lonely man repurposes the tech to build a partner.

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