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>Sharing space with others to watch porn, giving ourselves entirely into something beyond ourselves, a crowd as one entity made only possible through the shared passion of individuals coming together. Are goon group sessions not innately communist?


No they are just gay


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Btw original context/reference:


Communism is about making the workers control the economy.

Attempting to redefine Communism as sex-stuff is probably a psyop diversion. Don't fall for that crap.


How is it gay if the porn they are all masturbating to is straight porn?


This. I suspect that postmodern generations have turned communism into bohemian fantasy club.

We can thank the Baby Boomers and Beat Poet Generation for that.


Gooning communities are for porn addicts on adderall or speed. It's a very niche thing that only a few thousand participate in. Just drop the speed.

Also, yea gooning communities are cool in the sense that they have orgies. But would be better to simply just have online orgies and other forms of group sex and not… so focused on porn.

The obsession with porn keeps females out and is cringe


Gooning places are almost exclusively bisexual men and mtf trans. And if they are "straight" they aren't acting like it.

If they just dropped their porn obsession they'd maybe actually have more than a handful of females in their groups


Yea so it's like bisexual men on speed with porn addictions getting off on shared porn obsession

If they just dropped the porn and the speed and made even an ounce of effort to include females it'd be something other than gross


Who аre yo­u quοting??


>Just add girls and it will be fine

Not even once.


no, add women and drop the porn obsession and also the stupid word "gooning"


Again why does everything have to include women to be "productive"?


because not everyone is gay


Gooning is inherently gay.




Youre making it sexual.
This is why men are always losing.

They complain too much about "sausage fests" for platonic activities.


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Oh fuck off with this. Just because you want all the sub 8 men to be platonic betas and that's the only thing that would make you comfortable at parties doesn't mean men are "making it sexual", a party or club shouldn't be a meat market but if it's 100% platonic how the fuck is it different some lame gathering at church or work.
Why don't all the feminists that complain about men making parties sexual just go to fucking church functions? Yeah, because you know the only people there will be boring ass married people, or fucking human derelicts that will burden you with their shit.


see what I mean. Even the pic you posted proves my point.

>vicrnarian rich lad wastes away his love on some mediocre Hooters waittress.

>a party or club shouldn't be a meat market but if it's 100% platonic how the fuck is it different some lame gathering at church or work.

Im saying that yall are too obsessed with female wuanitity in any recreational setting. Women dont always want to be hut on wge theyre having a good time. Also, with the false rape allegations women make when youre not as glamorous as they expected….

>Why don't all the feminists that complain about men making parties sexual just go to fucking church functions? Yeah, because you know the only people there will be boring ass married people, or fucking human derelicts that will burden you with their shit.

Churches are just midlife crisis sanctuaries for faux-reformed degenerates.
Married people are unappreciative of their position.


>vicrnarian rich lad wastes away his love on some mediocre Hooters waittress.

Lol, it's a waist because why? Because said waitress isn't as enlightened as you? It doesn't take long for the elitism to come out of feminists.

Hey, if you want to attract an high value maybe just maybe start learning what the want in a women instead of reading books written by lesbians on what they should want.

>Churches are just midlife crisis sanctuaries for faux-reformed degenerates.

They won't be if you can get all your other feminists friends to go who are so burdened by the sexual tension of normal clubs. Like I said you know it'd be a burden. Feminists are always trying to colonize spaces and teraform them to make them suck because you cannot stand people being happy.


>Youre a feminist because you dare to disagree with me.

Actually, feminists would tell you to marry a poor Hooters girl to "uplift" her.
But thanks for reinforcing feminist belief.

Also, feminism isnt the reason why churches suck. In fact, the current brand of feminism is birthed from Protestantism.

Everything wrong in out postmodern society is birthed from Protestantism.


You're a feminist because you are trying to destroy any and all spaces for CIS to get sex because you hate sub 8 men.

Like I said, there's oodles of plantonic spaces you are your harpy friends can occupy.

You did this with videogames, and gay bars. Any place where heterosexuality is being expressed you hone in on it and everyone is catching on.


>Waaaa youre a feminist because ypu dareto disagree with mixing women into "sausage festst" to "spice things up"

Yea ypu need to lay off the politics


>I don't like people having sex because I think it's a patriarchal come come conspiracy so let me stop people from having it like a school marm.

You gotta be American. Only american feminists have these bizarre sexual hangups


Westernized* this kind of thinking isn't exclusive to Americans.


youre just moralising female prescence in male revreational spaces.
The real criminalising against sexuality is the patronising of male youth sexuality.
Society mocks/patronises young men for having sexual/romantic drives.

Angloid, to be exact.
Anglo culture hates nice cute things excpet as monsterbait in horror/comedy.
They also hate youth sexuality or youth romance as sincerity.


>youre just moralising female prescience
Dafaq does this even mean? If anyone is moralizing it's you. You're the one that's uncomfortable about sexuality being expressed publicly. You're the moralizing Puritan.
>in male revreational spaces.
You daft cunt, clubs are coed.
>The real criminalising against sexuality is the patronising of male youth sexuality.
Giving men the sex they want is criminalizing. Okay I see I'm talking to am AI.


Youre the moralising gooning.

Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.

You know how society always says "horny teens" or "hormonal" whenever they talk about male yputh.

Or anytime they psychoanalyse a sexual fetish and it has a high fanboy count skewing young, they mock it?

Males under thirty are not allowed to be respected as human beings.
Theyre only seen as comic relief.
Thats the reason why we have reactionary phenomenom.

Society keeps punching down on male youth while glorifying female youth and male elders.



Society is hebegynophilic while also being hebeandrophobic


>Youre the moralising gooning.
Lol, you're the one trying to impose your weird fundamentalist Christian and lesbian man hating ideology on the last place where people can still hookup.


>Also, by patronising, I mean how society mocks/guilt-trips ypung men for having sexual sesires.
That's exactly what you're doing with you're puritanical "no hitting on women" rule.
It's funny because if you really were able to impose this on clubs they'd all go out of business.No one is going to spend hundreds on drinks just to hear women yap.


I would support a "no flirting with women" because alot of nightclub patronesses are underage or gold diggers or are taken.
Young women live for attention. They like the idea of thirsty ugly betas ruining themselves for a piece of them.
Also, people go to clubs to get high and dance to EDM.
Sex is just a lucky bonus.

Besides, people have been hitting the club less since the mid/late 2000s.
Again, if you have to have women present for a platonic recreational activity to be fun, thats a you problem.

>last place where people still hook up

You mean gooning sessions?

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