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Feminism has failed to defend one of it's core tenants, the right to abortions. This shows what leftcels and some non-spooked Marxists have always said about feminism, that it is the ideology of the bourgeois. Feminists had 50 years since the Roe vs Wade ruling to codify the right to abortions into law but were unwilling to pay the political price for such self-assertion and passed on the burden to future feminists year after year until we come to now, where Republicans are now on the cusp of passing an official federal abortion ban with the "heartbeat bill".
During these 50 years feminists were far more interested in chasing idealists ghosts like male gaze which lead to cultural wars over pornography, prostitution, and even silly things like bikini clad female characters in videogames.
More destructive was their successful passage of female supremacist laws that made men guilty until proven innocent of any sexual assault allegations with cancel culture or of domestic violence accusations because of the Duluth model. Made men personal debt serfs to their children's mother via brutal child support laws. They also tirelessly attacked their masculinity and very being with the weaponization of the LGBT rights movement which frames all men and masculinity as wrong and harmful to women and society and upholds androgyny and male homosexuality as the only "safe" way a male can be a sexual being. And finally made males forfeit half their property and future with no-fault-divorce even, as the name implies, when they've done nothing wrong.
This has gone on to completely destroy gender relations as evidenced by the consistently declining marriage rate, the growing number of sexless men and the explosion of incels in the west.
Which has alienated men from women and their struggles, which is why the groundswell against the end of Roe v Wade has been about as impactful as a wet fart. Men do not care about women, and in fact cannot care about women because feminism has made doing so be to their own determent.
With abortion being banned, there is literally no point in feminism. It is an ideology with nothing to offer materially, and is little different than a religion or Marvel Movie fandom, and this all due to feminists hatred of men.
Feminism now shuffles off into the dustbin of history, whatever ideology replaces it will have to offer liberation for BOTH genders because it will generations before people forget about the damage a female only gender movement caused.


Isn't the failure to codify roe into law a failure of liberalism? I mean I agree feminism is gay and not pozzed, but, also feminism isn't the political movement behind the government making bills into laws.


It can be both, but feminism is supposed to be focused on women's issues and it never really tried.


It didn't fail.
The bourgeois feminists got exactly what they wanted, rights for the wealthy are maintained and repression against the poor has increased. Wealthy women will just travel to get abortions. You are a fool for thinking anything could trump class interests for the ruling classes.

Start a communist party that offers abortion services for it's members as part of mutual aid. If you can offer the material benefits the liberals will cave and cease their sexism and cultural antagonism. Just make sure that you don't over-correct and go too far in the other direction. For communists women and men are equals.


>It didn't fail.
Without wide support from women how do you expect feminism to be politically relevant in the future?
>Start a communist party that offers abortion services for it's members as part of mutual aid.
Holy shit you're stupid, might as well wish for world peace while you're at it.
>If you can offer the material benefits the liberals will cave and cease their sexism and cultural antagonism.
>If things stop being bad, then they'll be good!
How profound.


It is a bit idealistic isn't it?
Like just saying so flippantly "Start a communist party" You don't just start a revolution. People need to be deprived of bread to revolt.


Nah just give people "revolutionary consciousness" after they've read theory on their ipad's they'll come around.


Lol, I hope this is a troll. It looks like one.


>Without wide support from women how do you expect feminism to be politically relevant in the future?
The faction of the bourgeoisie that pretends to care about proletarian women are going for the neo-liberal lesser evil grift, they are going to blackmail women to support them or else the big bad will come and more of their bourgeois "rights" go down the drain. Like a good cop - bad cop routine.
>Holy shit you're stupid, might as well wish for world peace while you're at it.
Abortion pills are manufactured in India, for dirt cheap, it's easy to do grey imports for something like that.


>People need to be deprived of bread to revolt.
>Muh accelerationism.
Why is it always the biggest fucking softie pussies on the planet are all accelerationists?


>Abortion pills are manufactured in India, for dirt cheap, it's easy to do grey imports for something like that.
Anything that's contraband is going to be hard to get a hold of. This comment shows how out of touch you are.


>Anything that's contraband is going to be hard to get a hold of.
Abortion pills are legal in a lot of places. Like Mexico for example.
There was an article in the New York Times that in Guanajuato city in Mexico an activist named Verónica Cruz is going to make pills available. This isn't like drug running, most people are indifferent or in favor of this and will look away if they see you doing this. There is no money in this either, pharma companies didn't even try to lobby against losing their abortion pill market, that means the stakes are super-low.

Whorehouses and stripper-clubs are going to import abortion pills off the books, but also a lot of businesses that have a membership-subscription model like fitness-clubs and nail-salons are going to do it to lure more female customers. Fitness-clubs already sell roids with questionable legality to bodybuilders, so they will just expand their product catalogue. It will also become a side-hustle for pharmacies, delis, gas-stations, motels and clinics. If you don't mind paying a middle-men you can get it from those places.

The point is that the abortion ban will fall apart anyway and you might as well score some wins for communism in the mean time.
The material reality is that laws are upheld by 95% voluntary compliance and 5% enforcement. They won't be able to get that compliance to enforcement ratio in this case, and if they go above this ratio they will de-legitimatize them self, and that will switch off voluntary compliance. On top of this dynamic is that the US military already has exempt military personnel, creating a caste of people that has more rights. Other organizations will try to emulate this caste status as well, although probably via loop-holes since they don't have the level of fuck-laws-firepower that the military has.


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The point is that the abortion ban will fall apart
This is such a cope. The example people always hold up as proof that the government can't effectively ban anything is cocaine and weed. But the drug trade was proven to have been protected by the burger intelligence apparatus. That is not going to happen with abortion pills and other methods.
The government is going to ban this and it's going to stay banned.


>The point is that the abortion ban will fall apart


I likely lack context about this discourse. I didn't even know there were people that viewed feminism as an ideology. I guess that explains people who explicitly refer to themselves as "feminists."
I dont think this will kill feminism though. It may kill ideological feminism, but feminism as I see it is more like a browser plugin or a library that's just part of the leftism toolkit. Like: "oh, patriarchal family structures kinda make the family behave like a capitalist buisness, that's not good. How do we make families more communist?" That sorta thing.


I dunno what you guys are talking about but where do you get these cool gifs?


I get mine from the retro video game channel on 4 chan.


Oh really I never checked that board out is it kino?


If you like retro videogames it is. They will occasionally have a waifu thread or other type of gif thread, and it's usually stuff that's kinda obscure.


I do like retro games but I find it hard to enjoy anything these days. Life seems so bleak. I know this is off topic but whatever SAGE


Ypure wromg abput homosexuality amd androgyny being fully accepted. Women look down on gas and androgynous guys as defective males.

Also, masculinity isnt hated. Its cishet mn that are.


Its very common in the right


>The bourgeois feminists got exactly what they wanted,
Nah the booj feminists definitely wanted abortion access. You can make up conspiracy theories about how they'll be able to get secret abortions regardless but this has becomes a fault time between booj men and women and booj men would love to see women ejected from the ruling class because they can't plan their parenthood.


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Looks like they are going hardcore on toasties that won't make babies. Will women have to actually have kids with men that will raise them now?



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