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Should paternity testing be mandatory at birth regardless of whether there's a dispute about who the father is?




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Why are men so petty?


Those posts in the OP are typical gaslighting ghetto feminists.

"A real man would X". Yet these women would never ever take responsibilitity for their own actiins. They would dump a man for not appealimg to their sexual fetishes.


That, outlawing male genital mutilation and making conscription for both genders in case of war would give us gender equality.

I have been told feminists are for gender equality.


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It's rumored that they banned a certain kind of heredity homework from schools because it would always uncover paternity fraud for at least one child in the class.


that sounds pretty plausible in a class of anything above thirty lol. Even if it's super rare you'll still have an expected number in a given year with enough trials. the more you fish the more fish you catch


>Thinking about improving the stability of the family unit instead of exterminating this abomination of a social relationship in the societal reproduction process
uyghur faggot go back & kys

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