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 No.4693[Watch Thread]

This guy argues that polyamory is the hallmark of failed states and instable societies while monogamy is the signature of stable and safe liberal societies.
He also argues that sub Sahara Africa's political instability is fueled by a large pool of incels that warlords draw from for campaigns.
What are your thoughts?


wow, really, "This guy" said it?
Must be true.


Well he's a medium sized YouTuber and the video had 150k views. I thought it was interesting that a somewhat prominent normie recognizes that dating is a zero sum game and that if some men get all the girls others will left with nothing.


>dating is a zero sum game
Then stop reinforcing it by participating in such a deranged (= private) type of social relations you retard


>Just stop wanting sexual intimacy bro
Thank you dipshit.


I dont think political instability fueeled by inceldom fully or directly


>dating is a zero sum game
It's really not. Polygamy exists.


Polygamy is proof that it's zero sum, watch the video.


this. But people feel entitled to romance and sex.

case in point


>If you demand anything from liberal society which already burdens you with many demands you are entitled.
Based redditor.


whats the difference between Reddit and r9k?

And yes, romantic love and sex are oversold as automatic entitlements, even as maturity license of adulthood.

Yet so many people are too dysfunctional for love and procreation.
Sex dolls should be a commodity instead.


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Haha you're clearly someone that's never been married. Marriage and children are a lot of work. You don't work for entitlements.
And the western dating market is wildly unfair because of neo settler colonialism deeply embedded in it. There's equal numbers of men and women so there's no material reason why everyone shouldn't have a good faith chance at romance.
And yes sexual relationships are a need not a want. You sound no different than capitalists that complain about food stamp recipients all while hording enough food to feed everyone many times over.


>whats the difference between Reddit and r9k?
Reddit bans incels


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>You only want a sexual intimate relationship because the TV told you too.
Now THIS is liberal simping!



I love the smell of failed-adult tears in the monrning.

Speaking of "tears in the morning", listen to "Tears In The Morning" by The Beach Boys from their 1970 album "Sunflower.


What makes you think I'm a failed adult? Because I don't dunk on incels like the rest of the liberal hegemony like you do?


>Haha you're clearly someone that's never been married. Marriage and children are a lot of work.

Well, most people are still deluded by the prospect of marriage and childreaing as some vanity project.

When they do get married and procreate, they immediately get slammed with bills amd pediatric diagnoses and just die inside.

>And yes sexual relationships are a need not a want.

Then tell the Anglo Protestant global nanny state to stop criminalising youth sexuality.

Bring in courting classes.
Mandatory sex education.

And offer tax-free hysetrectomy to adolescent schoolgirls.

>There's equal numbers of men and women so there's no material reason why everyone shouldn't have a good faith chance at romance.

Youre forgetting that genotypes and phenotypes differ.
Some people are fat, thin, hairy, musky, top-heavy, bottom-heavy, tall, short, unibrow, chinless, pimpled, skintags, etc.
And people have preferences which means the equal number of men and women will become unequal.

Because you got butthurt about my suggestion that romance and sex are not owed to you inherently.
You accuse me of being "liberal chauvinist".
Youre no different from the right wing ones whom accuse me of being "neo-Marxist".


>Because you got butthurt about my suggestion that romance and sex are not owed to you inherently.
How typical, the only people that could think that millions of men and women going lonely for no reason is bad are incels. Bruh, you need to get out more. Other countries like Korea and Japan treat this like the serious problem that it is. Are they all incels too?
>You accuse me of being "liberal chauvinist".
Because you keep deflect criticism of this massive liberal failure. You can only act haute now because these young men haven't rejected their societal norms. You can't have millions of fighting age men refuse to get along with the wider world.
>You're no different from the right wing ones whom accuse me of being "neo-Marxist".
Haha, that's because you're no different than those right wingers. You both make this problem out to be a moral failure of single men.


>How typical, the only people that could think that millions of men and women going lonely for no reason is bad are incels. Bruh, you need to get out more. Other countries like Korea and Japan treat this like the serious problem that it is. Are they all incels too?

Its not bad to feel lonely. What is bad is complaining about it to the point of politicising it.

Also any nation that tries to inxenrivise young people to fuck is more often than not wanting more exploitable servant-warriors.

As soon as the birth rates get back up, all those kids frok the natal boom will have the rug pulled from under them.

>Because you keep deflect criticism of this massive liberal failure. You can only act haute now because these young men haven't rejected their societal norms. You can't have millions of fighting age men refuse to get along with the wider world.

Society is too morally obsessed with male youth.
They poke and prod at them to mold them into exploited chivalrists.
The military is upping the ante with recuitment propaganda. Even low prospect males whom complain about military industrial complex are entixed by the mythical prospect of military career giving them "purpose" and "mad skills".

>Haha, that's because you're no different than those right wingers. You both make this problem out to be a moral failure of single men.

I dont blame single men.
Thats what everyone else does.
I am a single man and I wish people were more appreciative of singlehood.

Society wants prime age men to throw away their vigor on church, academia, or family rather than more practical things like hobbies and a career.


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>Its not bad to feel lonely. What is bad is complaining about it to the point of politicising it.
Why? Because it's inconvenient to the liberal establishment? Being lonely has been scientifically proven is as bad as smoking cigarettes. Not to mention all the psychological damage. It's a very real public health crisis.
>Also any nation that tries to inxenrivise young people to fuck is more often than not wanting more exploitable servant-warriors.
This is demonstrably false seeing ad how the most power imperialist nations are all seeing declining birth rates (US, Japan, West Europe) and doing little about it. Unless you think those nations aren't war hungry.
>As soon as the birth rates get back up, all those kids frok the natal boom will have the rug pulled from under them.
Absolutely not a given, regardless it's not your place to determine other people's parenthood by letting social problems fester. You are a low key eugenist.

>The military is upping the ante with recuitment propaganda. Even low prospect males whom complain about military industrial complex are entixed by the mythical prospect of military career giving them "purpose" and "mad skills".

This contradicts your point about children being doomed to becoming cannon fodder.
Not even the boomers, the largest population increase in history, willingly allowed themselves to be dragged into war.
>I dont blame single men.
You do. You keep framing this systemic issue as one of moral failure. These single men feel " entitled" to something society could easily provide but just arbitrarily doesn't. You do realize this dysfunction in dating directly lead to dysfunctional home lives for children.


>Why? Because it's inconvenient to the liberal establishment? Being lonely has been scientifically proven is as bad as smoking cigarettes. Not to mention all the psychological damage. It's a very real public health crisis.

Reckless promotion of romantic love and familyhood alongside stranger danger and Anglo-American urban planning is what made this mess.

>This is demonstrably false seeing ad how the most power imperialist nations are all seeing declining birth rates (US, Japan, West Europe) and doing little about it. Unless you think those nations aren't war hungry.

America is banning abortion. Japan is addressing low birth rates.
Western Europe is also finding ways to get people to fuck more.
China is trying to get more people to fuck satify their authoritarian industrial complex.
Youre too eager to sell out for some pussy and cuddles.

>Absolutely not a given, regardless it's not your place to determine other people's parenthood by letting social problems fester. You are a low key eugenist.

This is copium.
Also you accusing me of being eugenicist is funny considering that imageboards call for culling of "normies".

>This contradicts your point about children being doomed to becoming cannon fodder.


Not even the boomers, the largest population increase in history, willingly allowed themselves to be dragged into war.

Baby Boomers were harrassed with drafting. The War on Terror didnt use that.
Also, World War 2 used patriotic messaging and happened just at the end of the Great Depression.

>You do. You keep framing this systemic issue as one of moral failure. These single men feel " entitled" to something society could easily provide but just arbitrarily doesn't.

How do I blame single men?
I just told you that society enticess and patronizes sinle men into love-quests.

>You do realize this dysfunction in dating directly lead to dysfunctional home lives for children.

Then don't bother with dating.
Too many adults mindlessly go into marriage and family-making with no prior training.


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Anyone here have a Nebula account? Theres a number of documentaries I'd like access to and will report on public trackers like 1337x


>zero sum game
many people also want long term relationships


Meh video, feel like he focused on the symptoms a bit too much. Just read Engels.


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>Just read Engels.
Hello, 19th century is calling. It wants its books back..


More relevant now than ever…


Not really, the anthropology it's draws from is laughable outdated




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most men didn't deserve wives


>t. bitter lesbian


true. assigning a faggot 2 a guy & sealing them together by a gubbermint property contract is worse than a vacation 2 australia. the bourgs will pay 4 this.

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