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File: 1710949913302.mp4 ( 521.78 KB , 532x640 , bug-shaker-thug-shaker.mp4 )


why is it socially unacceptable for men to twerk? we also have big asses that we can move. its ridiculous and oppressive


not just that. Men are notvallowed to have erotic nimbleness at all.

Men are expected to be dumb clumsy oafs.


that is so wrong. men can be intelligent graceful nice-butt-havers too. break male gender stereotypes,


how do you mean? if you're a "dumb clumsy oaf" your girl is going to lose confidence in your capabilities fast. you've got to take charge imo. I've never been with a girl who likes to make major bedroom decisions. if anything, "erotic nimbleness" in women is less allowed because it means she's an experienced roastie.


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If I might interject for a moment, bees are insects, but they are not bugs. Bugs are a specific branch of class Insecta with mouthparts specialized in piercing things and sucking out their liquids.


does that mean butterflies are also not bugs?


Correct, bugs are things like aphids, stinkbugs, cicadas, leafhoppers, etc.


Apple bottom jeans
Boots with the fur
The whole club was looking at her

She hit the floor
Next thing you know
She got low low low low low low low low


>if anything, "erotic nimbleness" in women is less allowed because it means she's an experienced roastie.

You couldnt be more wrong.
Erotic nimbleness is more allowed in women, especially in nubile maidens.

>how do you mean? if you're a "dumb clumsy oaf" your girl is going to lose confidence in your capabilities fast.

Its not but this is the social assignment given to cishet males.
Men are not allowed to be graceful or beautiful because that means they dont need to seek beauty and grace from women.

>you've got to take charge imo. I've never been with a girl who likes to make major bedroom decisions.

Maybe because theyre passive maidens whom expect men to do everything for them. So much for "strong independent queens".


It is wrong. But most cishet males are too complacent to recognise this.

Theyd rather waste away self-value on serving women in some jocular manner.


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Trooncel anon, what do you think the cumulative probability is of you killing yourself? We can calculate this using double decrement if only we had a life table for pedo internet freaks. My guess is the prob of you attaining life age 50 is near zero.


The strawmen is strong with yall today.
I guess your a typical slave of romantic chivalry.
Good luck on your quests to "save the day" for damsels!


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Good luck sucking "girl" cock. I should seriously construct a joint distro future lifetime for trooncel couples. I wonder if joint life status will be extended from getting head from another troon or decreased from having to deal with each other's autism and suicidal ideation.


Anon, those ethots are not gonna lick your dick no matter you wish or hope.

> I should seriously construct a joint distro future lifetime for trooncel couples. I wonder if joint life status will be extended from getting head from another troon or decreased from having to deal with each other's autism and suicidal ideation.

Idk what youre going on about.
A "joint distro"? Whats that?

But the rest of he post sounds like what you and your fellow incels need.

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