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Post about your encounter with sex-havers.

Today at work during break, some sex-havers were talking about swinging and one sex-haver said it's fun to fantasize about it but also that he wouldn't actually do it because of jealousy. What kind of cuckold shit is that? He's currently in a relationship, and knowing sex-havers both parties probably have exes, which adds to the suspiciousness. S*x-havers, smh.


I work with a lot of young women, and most of the stuff you read about them in blackpill spaces is absolutely based in reality. I think being around women for several hours every day has blackpilled me more than any imageboard post ever has.

For instance, one thing I have noticed about the women at work is that they always talk about their exes in a much more positive way than they do about their current partners. They really seem to resent their boyfriends/husbands for not being as attractive, rich or good at sex as their previous partners. This is even though those said exes were total assholes, by their own admission. It makes no sense to me.


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I knew a guy once. He was in my highschool and he sat by me in my underclassmen years at lunch. He liked to hang around but he was clearly autistic. I always tried to be nice to the guy but his behavior was uncanny. I stopped hanging out with him so much but in my senior year he ended up in my government class. I started talking to him again and he was the same old guy I was used to but he started talking about how much he loved his new girlfriend. I was startled that he was able to get a girlfriend as a 5'5" something low autism score retard. I saw his girlfriend once and she seemed just like fairly a normal anime nerd. That's when I realized that there was something permanently and fundamentally wrong with me. This is also when I got into C4SS and anarchism in general. I got involved with the organization in my first year of college but I was still out of place. I was so close to suicide I was making my own kill bag. Then I met my current girlfriend Krystal. She made me realize how my feelings of always being out of place were because I was actually trans. I'm now on 2 years HRT and I don't think about suicide as much. Krystal left me and I think detransed but I'm convinced that she saved my life. The incel suicide rate is over 42 percent so I encourage everyone who thinks that they might be trans to reach out in this thread.


STDs are fake because viruses aren't real


That's so blackpilling.

Fuck you, you sageing troll. Nice pdf tho, though it is lacking and limited, maybe because bourgeois science and liberalism

Explain? Then why do people get sick or even die?


>I was startled that he was able to get a girlfriend as a 5'5" something low autism score retard. I saw his girlfriend once and she seemed just like fairly a normal anime nerd. That's when I realized that there was something permanently and fundamentally wrong with me.
I know this is a shitpost, but in high school I remember seeing some complete autist who was in my econ class making out with a girl after school. I mean this kid used to even get bullied by the teacher, and you could tell he was on the spectrum after a 0.5 second interaction with him. But at that moment, when I saw him kissing that relatively pretty girl, I was filled with a sort of existential dread. You would think seeing an ugly autist getting the girl would give me some level of hope, but no, it did the opposite.


I cannot believe the toxicity you guys have.
You guys get depressed over some meek invalid male getting a normal nubile maiden?
Do you not undertsand how rare that is?
Most invalid males go throrugh their entire prime not having any romantic attention.

Im convinced most of you imageboard users are more "normie" than you care to admit


>Explain? Then why do people get sick or even die?
They got poisoned somehow, or bad nutrition.


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s*x is the opiate of the people. Bread & circus in one package which also divides the society on the aristocracy who gets everything to get it from their mere conceiving & all der other untermenschen who don't. Whatever the fuck normoids try to do to cope with this contradiction is always a blatant ideological lie, especially usual shit like "not having muh seggz is totabsolutely normal bruh like dude y'know just trust me haha just it's okay haha especially if it's you haha gob dless".
The problem though is the fact that you fags completely buy into this shite & then constantly have bad feefees instead of outright rejecting this normidian animal-tier "culture" they propagate & live by like the good participants of the class society they are.

& yes, the s*xual lelvolution the propagandists & normoids like to mention so much ultimately served only to the aforementioned new s*xistocracy of the pregressive middle classes (= bourgoid cocksuckers) while leaving everybody else behind. Add the vicious cycle of mental issues which creep into the mind of a worseningly s*xless person & you get the typical user of this piece of leftyboard = the s*xed get more s*x, the s*xless get more s*xlessfull.

Stop thinking about s*x, fags. Or @ least stop thinking about it from the perspective of normidian shitfucks who don't know any better & don't even wanna. What an irony, btw, is this paradox of s*xhavers not wanting to know anything & @ the same time knowing how to get into the orifices of each other.

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