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Leftcels, do you ever think on how leftist spaces are filled with males apologizing for being male and for male crimes and pretending to be sexually non-threatening and progressive (like supporting open relationships/polyamory in a sexpest way)

Meanwhile the Manosphere (spaces or comment sections that these leftists would consider rightwing) talk about how their exes did them wrong and that they had relationships/sex before.

How do your take on this?


that's because "leftist" orgs are populated by men who want to get laid by actibitches so they have to adopt that sort of ideology. Manosphere panders to autists like you to sell courses. Both are scum who are worthless to the revolution except as cannon fodder if not people who will be open and conscious counter-revolutionaries


what is your take on adventurist anarchists/maoists who are secretly suicidal and wish to die heroically in a sacrificial blaze of glory?


we should kill them first to prevent bad optics. at least half of them are troons so hopefully they kill themselves soon


Grift one:

>apologize for not being some badass Herculean specimen

Grift two:
>Apologize for not being a simp.

Yea no thanks.

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