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/R9K/ - Robot - 9000

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Although daughters and their parents rated ambition and intelligence as the most important qualities of a husband for daughters, in the concrete case, both parties chose the more attractive man.
Even fathers will choose Chad for their daughters.


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it's over… should i just end it?


i will never to bust inside someone like op pic, whats the point…




Can you take this shit to >>/R9K ?


Anon she is barely 22…


Huh? But that's past 18? It actually used to be even earlier back in the day when life expectancy ages were lower… This is infantilization. Many young women are quite mature for their age. If they are consenting and adult, it should be fine.


Most young women aret really mature for their age but thats due to coddling of parents and teachers.

In fact, the social expectancy of young adults has declined which is why the brain development theory is being pushed so hard by Gen Xand Millennials.

Its to compemsate for delayed maturity.

We should go back to adulthood starting at 14.
Schooling after age fourteen should not be free.
Either you work or do community service for advanced schooling.


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>physical attractiveness
>as a signal of genetic quality
Evopsychos will get shot on spot.
Remember all the bitches these two were humping? Surely t'was cuzza their facial symmetry KEK.

Sorry m8, nearly busted it to another past prime old hag.


They only got bitches due to attsined power.

Hitler was looked down upon by his generals.


>Most young women aret really mature for their age but thats due to coddling of parents and teachers.


>barely 22
>this is unironically something that shitlennials and zoomercucks say
This society cannot collapse fast enough. We need a fucking purge of cucks. I am going to have a 16-year-old wife and anybody who doesn't like that will be made to face the wall. So fucking tired of westerners and their fucking phony moralistic faggotry. Death to agecucks.

>lower life expectancy
This barely actually happened btw. People misrepresent the facts about life expectancy in the ancient world (and brain development, and a shitload of other things) to provide bullshit excuses for high age of consent so roasties can compete in a rigged dating market. High infant mortality led to a low average lifespan, but if you survived your first few years you'd live almost as long as people do today. Look at the median lifespan and not the average.


Jailbaits don't want you bro


The worst part is that ethnic minorities in the west have adapted the white Anglo suburban pedagogy.

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