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File: 1715526974011.jpg ( 48.69 KB , 520x600 , Lipo-in-Colombia-Dr.-David….jpg )


is lip surgery worth it?


What is the point in asking this if you are not a woman?


because there's rumors that Drake went to Dr Miami


Why do you hate drake so much?


because normie chicks want to have sex with him


>femoids want to fuck a rich and famous dude with a massive dick
How is this at all surprising to you?


im salty about it


If it's any consolation he will probably be dead from drug overdose by his mid 40s.


damn… well it's rumored he takes Ozempic to lose weight, but i could see him as a coke guy


File: 1715533115537.jpg ( 53.82 KB , 643x377 , Bandman Kevo lipo and fake….jpg )

theres more


File: 1715533208537.jpg ( 751.35 KB , 1080x1055 , does_bandman_kevo_have_bod….jpg )

natty or juice?


Everything about this image disturbs me


If you can't lose and maintain your weight normally it's not worth it.


Stop oppressin viminz incel. kek


Thoughts on taking Ozempic?


I've heard it works but you gain it all back as soon as you stop


toxic, deadly poison from big pharma. definitely worse for your health than obesity.


I hear when you're on Ozempic, you don't digest well, so your breath smells like poop and you poop yourself randomly.. Does Drake poop himself??

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