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What's your strat here?


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>18 year old - 18
>full kitchen - 6
>workout room - 5
>library - 4
>skylight - 2
<use vast knowledge from library to master sex, psychology, philosophy, hygiene, herbal medicine, medical knowledge, cooking, economics/stocks/trading, gardening, paramilitary tactics, cooking and bodybuilding
<manipulate 18 yr old into smuggling in contraband, using above knowledge in psychology and sex.
<since attraction is subjective and would have to conform to personal preference, this would require a compatible personality which in turn would take care of human need for social interaction
<use full kitchen to make alcohol, herbal medicine, personal garden, and rudimentary hygiene products
<Workout regularly using above knowledge and maintain/improve physical and mental health
In summary, embrace autodidactism and actual humanity. The internet and technology is garbage anyway


>use vast knowledge from library to master sex, psychology, philosophy, hygiene, herbal medicine, medical knowledge, cooking, economics/stocks/trading, gardening, paramilitary tactics, cooking and bodybuilding
This only works if you aren't retarded.


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>What's your strat here?


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microwave 2
unlimited fastfood 4
computer 6
vidya 4
booze 5
workshop 6
jacuzzi and hygiene 3
30. this is my life


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Yeah the 18 year old is the difficult one here, not so much for the sex as for not going insane from lack of social interaction. Although in ten years with just one person's company, you might go insane anyway? Does she stay with you, or does she solely show up for sex?

Tough call, but here's mine:

7 - access to the stock market (put it in an index fund and easily double your money when you get out)

6 - full kitchen

2 - skylight (for mental health)

4 - library (for leaving as a renaissance man)

3 - Hygiene products and a jacuzzi bathtub (maybe could get these from the kitchen but not worth the risk)

4 - Surround sound system with all recorded music - I have tinnitus so this is more of a necessity than a luxury for me for masking noise etc.

2 - full model train set complete with warehouse sized room - I like trains, also the warehouse sized room doubles for running laps

2 - medical care from New Dehli - because none of this matters if I die

7+6+2+4+2+2 = 30


I think I'm going to need sunlight and airflow most all so I guess skylight+ an aircon at least(even if that's not on the list for some reason) I'm going to die in the first week without an aircon during the summer in the basement.


The real question about the 18 year old is does she perpetually stay 18 or do I need to kill her when she hits the wall for a fresh one to respawn. In that case the gun could be useful.


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All needs sated, I don't need a gym to exercise and I can remain informed and intellectually engaged (brainlet as I am) through the regularly updated library. Worst comes to worse and the confinement becomes too mentally straining, I've cut out most vices (or gatekept them behind book-learning and gardening) and, misery shared is misery halved.


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Honestly, anyone who uses other people for their own reproductive purposes should have their toys taken away surgically.

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