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On a practical and rational note, I do not understand why porn is free. If you want to watch porn, you can watch unlimited amounts of any type.

There are pay porn sites but typically there is no need to pay because videos from that site exist at almost full length on free sites. That would be annoying if we are taking about real movies, as you would miss the end, but porn has no story so if you see 75% of it, who needs to pay?

The conspiracy side of me thinks that porn is free for pedo grooming purposes.

I have been on the net since it started. Back in the 90s if you typed in "Disney" it would take you to porn. So, someone was trying to get kids to watch porn all the way back then.

By the time the mid 2000s hit, many young guys on the net said they were watching porn at 10, like hardcore porn. Now, I have little 8 year old foster kids staging nude orgies and stuff with other kids.

I believe porn exists to pervert children and that's why it's free.

I read the UK wanted to make it so that all porn is censored and you need a pass to watch it. I agree with that. You should need an age related security code to view porn.


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I know A TON about porn as it has had a HUGE impact on Gen X and all generations after.

Ted Bundy wasn't lying, I saw him talking about it.

It's silly to say that Ted just invented what he did out of nowhere. That's like religious people claiming gays choose to be gay.

Who is going to sit there and CHOOSE being a homosexual. I previously liked blonde girls, but yesterday I decided I'm going to pound hairy male anuses!

Same thing with Ted, he started as a normal person and got twisted. Watching 70s rape porn probably doesn't help with anger issues toward females.

I know A TON about porn as it has had a HUGE impact on Gen X and all generations after.

I was an adult when women thought shaving their groin was some kind of pedo request. Now, most women conformed to PORN regarding an issue like that. I know women who like to get slapped, choked, and all kinds of stuff that did not exist when I was younger.

I know a woman who was kept like a dog on a leash by some old jew, along with other girls.

Where I grew up, he would be DEAD if he was doing that.

In addition, I am interested in the personalities involved in porn and have interviewed one semi famous porn person. I have read a lot about it and I have known a large number of street prostitutes.

Porn was basically invented yesterday. It's mass effect took a little over 20 years, now little children watch it.


I have read psych books from over a hundred years ago and something will always trigger someone to murder. Fred will see to cats violently mating and want to do that to some girl and kills her in the process.

So, a nudist book could do it.

You want to see a girl nude.

Many men feel cheated if they can't do what other men do. So, you see some kind of unusual sex, and the guy in porn gets to do it, so why can't I!!!???

So, if someone saw a nudist magazine and they had to idea they want to see Sally naked, that's what they want to do. Sally is shocked and will not do it, so Sally is "cheating you" and you flip out and hurt her.

People probably did that about drawings of naked women before photos.

Not everyone is going to do it but a certain type of angry baby man will.


The kids I deal with have adults, like foster parents, who know they watch porn. It is really hard to get them to crack down on it.

Pedos will LOVE that news.

I'm not watching that.


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It's all coming together…


i had a similar conspiracy theory about porn being so widespread and widely pirated, but i have no insider info or proof


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My understanding is that it's because of a loophole in the law. Many of the online porn video sites are actually more like YouTube in that anyone can open an account and post videos.
The owner of the site is not legally responsible for what's posted so even though much of the what's posted is copyrighted the site owner can't be sued. And it's impractical for copyright holders to go after so many small violators.
I think what account holders get out of it is that they'll try to promoted their own sites or get users to click on affiliate links.
These porn YouTube sites have gotten so big their the de facto distribution channel for many porn studios and profit sharing deals have been worked out between the parties.


It always begins as a joke.


>communist doesn't understand why some people share things freely on a post-scarcity network
>it must be a conspiracy!!
uygha please

Depending where you are, it can be free for different reasons:
>non-profit boorus and piracy
Free because of social benefit in building an open collection
>commercial boorus and copied-content sites
Ad revenue
>mainstream porn sites
Crack economics - free samples trying to find addicts who will pay subscriptions. This is the closest to what you think, but it's not (just) targeted at teens.

>because videos from that site exist at almost full length on free sites

From what I remember (3d is pd) they would upload like 5 or 8 minute samples of a 30 minute video. That's not full length. Plus they'd just not upload other videos of the same actors to incentivize people to pay for non-free videos.

>Back in the 90s if you typed in "Disney" it would take you to porn.

That's just to do with search engines matching keywords and not manually weeding out NSFW content. That still happens if you type the name of niche characters, and was a big deal when DeviantArt ranked high in search results, because it's a popular site with lots of fan art, some of it porn.


>porno addict


i dont get it can u explain the joke

my email is attached


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Every time you jerk off, especially to porn, you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish.
Through pornography, you are kept weak and docile.


they say this, but then they also post that it's abnormal to not masturbate for 3-4 months


Drug dealers always give samples, it's prompted as a good cope over real imitate connections.


>you lose energy that takes weeks to replenish
hahaha just eat a bowl of cereal uygha ha ha just eat a piece of chocolate


your premise is reactionary and wrong.

Porn is not free. Its making money on ad revenue

Also, kids have used to look at porn in magazines. They used to pkay doctor with each other.


>Disney having porn parodies made by fans is pedophilic

Ah yes. The "pedoohilia" accusation


I think ypur stories are outliers. As for kids watching porn thats not unusual.
Kids have sex drives too.
I was masturabting at seven.

In the old days before Internet, kids used to play doctor with each other.

In fact, young people nowadays are having way less sex which i why theyre compensating with porn.


>Pedo post
back to org faggot


>typical spiritually castrated adult who thinks kids having worldly instincts is demonic and resorts to the kiddie-diddler slur as a means to pawn the argument.

Is it any wonder why youre an imageboard user?


but youre an imageboard user too though?



I thought you imageboardusers would be more diverse in discussion but I was wrong.
Yall have the same brainworms as Reddit, Twitter, FaceBook, and TikTok.

And yet you claim to be above it all.


well, a 'normie' podcast said 4chan is basically reddit, so yeah..


>Also, kids have used to look at porn in magazines. They used to pkay doctor with each other.
This is not the same as modern porn with the near limitless novelty. Playing doctor isn't the same as porn use.


>hahaha just eat a bowl of cereal uygha ha ha just eat a piece of chocolate
Just eat poison bro


socialism is found in the movement of the real. people sharing porn for free is socialism


If anything, theres far greater ewtrictiins out on Internet channels than in the old days.
Also, kids are being socially deprived of play and physical contact because of hysteria like yours.


At work, I have many 8 and 10 year old boys watching porn all day long on their phones. I have no idea what to do about it.

Meanwhile, movies aren't free on the net however, unlimited porn is free for some reason. There is ENDLESS porn of the most hardcore nature, and you do not have to pay for it.

How is that possible?


Are you sure youre telling the truth or exaggerating?


Child neglect
Idk how much can say without details.


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Someone post this on /pol/ and just say it's from leftypol


>How is that possible?
Competition. Crack economics gets weird when you can't beat competitors off your turf.
Plus, even if it weren't for that, some people are just exhibitionists or want attention. Then there are just people who consider themselves a kind of artist.


>people sharing porn for free is socialism
Even if you're joking, there's a real conversation to be had about 'copyright infringement' and [faiap] post-scarcity systems.


then its the fault of the parents not the porn industry. Stop making everything a conspiracy theory especially when it involves kids.


>then its the fault of the parents not the porn industry.
Wrong.That other anon was right.


why are prepubescent children watching porn? it must be a social issue (peer pressure) or some kind of trauma maybe


ypu sure?
It soumdsmore like people blaimng others for tgeir own problems.

Its easy to dismiss this as conspiracy because most adults dont like the idea of children having sex drives or other worldly instincts.


then how about the amount of childrens deaths by firearms?

Or about school bullying going unreported?

Of course children being victims or perpetratora of violence is a non issue.
But beating ons meat to sexy time pictures is a big ass no-no?


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pedo Posting


Newgene is a schizo pedo


Newgene got me banned from Ogre


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dont watch porn. it's bad for you and only serves as means for "people" to black mail you as they play the fool. it is clearly addictive. stop watching this soul crushing shit.


>"omg youre a pedo" (quoted for the 12 × 10¹² in a year)

Seriously, is this all you know what to say?
It speaks volumes about your character.
Which is to say, the volumes aee just blank pages with the word "PEDO" written from front to back.


theres free movies you can watch.
Also alot of porn videos you watch are homemade, not professional.

Those professional ones require subscription.


Schizo pedo babble

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