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Share your tips on how to have effective and enriching sex. I'll start. This sexologist Jessica Garner used to be all over Tik Tok before she got canceled.
Her "bottle opening" technique has done wonders for my love life.

You've been having sex wrong all this time, as sexpert explains perfect technique


She also has a lot of information on sex history, how Gen Xers and later generations were left in the dark on sex and have views on it mostly informed by porn. How older generations actually had better sex


we live in the cursed time


Millennials amd Gen Z have become whiny neo-Puritans about sex.


That article hilariously btfo's circumcised men




TL;DR don't watch porn and just thrust your hips. There is no technique for size or perceived attractiveness.


No it's not simply thrusting your hips. She specifically calls this the "poking pandemic".


Do the "Che Guevara Thigh" trick. Next time your bitch is crawling on top lift your knee so she can grind on your thigh. You can then transition to missionary with a make out gator roll or get your dick snapped by letting a dumb bitch ride on top.


It literally is thrusting hips. The problem is "sexual autism" and not being able to match your partner's rhythm or pick up on cues.


fuck u


Heterosexual female orgasm rate being low makes sense because women don't find most men attractive. Men having a "fuck you I'm getting mine" mentality only makes sense.


It's literally not. It's applying pressure to the clitoris, then rubbing is up and down with your pubic mound. While simultaneously applying as much upward pressure with your penis. You're kind of pivoting were the base of your shaft and beginning of your pubic mound meet back and forth. It's more of a grind. And its all to try to stimulate and squeeze the gland which half the opening of the birth canal where women actually derive pleasure.
All thrusting will do is add a little friction as the shaft passes the gland.
It's the difference between someone putting your dick their mouth and someone sucking on it like the cure for cancer were in there.


Jessica Garner: The Poking Pandemic, E41


Jessica Garner appearing on the Mission Manhood podcast talking about the poking pandemic


Attraction is #1 everything else is nonsense. Sexual technique is subjective.


Okay, but some of us are passport bros and do get laid.


I should add that you apply pressure to the clitoris by being in the missionary position and using your pubic mound with the man on top.

Women can also do this while in cowgirl position using the "dock and rock" technique doing a kind of scooting motion.

Women don't often do this with new lovers because it's awkward looking which is why encouraging them to do so is an easy way to become a better lover.


Beta buxxing overseas.


Nah you're just traumatized by American women. Most women even in other western countries aren't as ran through and actually try to settle down in their 20's and early 30's.


youre being willfully naive.


I agree with Western women being trash but you shouldn't be quick to pedestalize non-westernized women


Research has shown that there is a statistically significant overlap between people who are diagnosed with mental illness and people who deny the existence of God.




idk. Most of our deranged people believe in some sort of higher power

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