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Did you know that the Tiananmen protests had their origin in anti-BBC chinlet riots?
>The Nanjing protests were groundbreaking dissidence for China and went from solely expressing concern about alleged improprieties by African men to increasingly calling for democracy or human rights.[5] They were paralleled by burgeoning demonstrations in other cities during the period between the Nanjing and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, with some elements of the original protests that started in Nanjing still evident in 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women" even though the vast majority of African students had left the country by that point

This supports my theory that history is driven by sexuality moreso than class struggle. Hell even class arose from some men hoarding resources so they could fuck the best women and the struggle part is competition over who gets to stick their dick in who


So it's all about property & the private ownership of it. Cool. kys

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