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 No.116[Watch Thread]>>118>>270

ITT: We post our recent poverty moments


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ITT: I live in a camper. Recently my camper toilet was backed up so we basically had to keep shitting in a giant pile of shit that smelled horrible and we had to literally take a giant pipe and stab a giant pool of shit and get shit all over the place in order to unclog the tank. it was fucking disgusting. I had literal shit all over me.


>>116 (OP)
The income threshold for rent assistance got raised to just above my income!


Fridge empty but at least I'm losing weight


stay fit king.


Stay fat kong.


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saw a pretty girl the other day but stopped myself since i cannot even provide for myself let alone her. told myself she was a cunt to make it easier


>told myself she was a cunt to make it easier
she probably actually is tho


You should have asked her out (maybe you find a rich girl that's rebelling against her dad by having a broke boyfriend) , just be upfront about your material conditions. If you get rejected just remember that you're not really to blame for being the victim of a wrecked economy. In capitalism the capitalists are responsible for organizing the economy and creating gain-full employment for everybody, they're failing that duty.

But if you feel that you aren't allowed to ask women out unless you can be a financial provider, you didn't really stop your self, the capitalists stopped you from asking her out by building a shit economy that doesn't pay you enough.

Porky cock-blocked you, be mad at Porky.


My shoes broke i have only one pair left. its over


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Losing weight from rationing my food money and just loading boxes onto vehicles


>>116 (OP)
I'm homeless. It's not so bad, but laundry takes forever.


Sleep outside homeless or sleep on friends sofa homeless?


By the mid 1960s after the Khrushchevka mass housing program was done, homelessness in the Soviet union fell below the measurement threshold, and was considered defacto zero. The Khrushchevka apartment blocks were very basic, but they did have all modern (for the time period) amenities. Like Electricity, Running water, central heating, plumbing and cooking facilities. Most came with communal laundry rooms with basic washing machines and a tool shed for basic repair work. These apartments were very barren and small, but they did generate modern human sheltered living conditions.

With the advances in productivity in construction technology over the last 60ish years, pretty much every country with the exception of failed or war-torn states should be able to replicate this. Even for poor countries the barrier to entry for this is low. The only conclusion you can draw is that ruling classes are maliciously causing homelessness on purpose.

The Soviets achieved this type of progress by putting opponents against the wall or sending them into forced labor camps. You could call this "Progress or else". Given the sorry state of present affairs, one really has to wonder if progress can only be achieved by subjecting ruling classes to brutality.

Homelessness subtracts about 25 years from a human life expectancy. Hence this phenomenon has to be considered as fractional mass murder.


outside, in a bivvy
That's actually really nice. When you think what's missing for most vagabonds it's just a closed space and a reinforced door. It's why so many abandoned structures are inhabited by hobos.
>Homelessness subtracts about 25 years from a human life expectancy.
More notable is the poor health condition and hard drugs that leads to this.


>The Soviets achieved this type of progress by putting opponents against the wall or sending them into forced labor camps.
You have it backwards mltoid

Soviet housing program was started AFTER (the name - khruschevka, should've tipped you off kek) they stopped sending randos into the forced labor camps.

And also AFTER they have thrown Stalin's corpse out of the mausoleum.


>Hence this phenomenon has to be considered as fractional mass murder.
Hence why your populist whining is worth jack shit. I wouldn't trust your populist ass with fixing my tire, nevermind carrying a massive housing program.


>More notable is the poor health condition and hard drugs that leads to this.
So homelessness leads to poor health and drug abuse.
Even more reasons for universal housing.

>sectarian screeching
not interested

>Hence why your populist whining is worth jack shit.
You own stocks in a real-estate hedge-fund or something ?

>I wouldn't trust your populist ass

The only people who use the word """populist""" are status quo warriors looking to insult their political opponents instead of making reasoned arguments. It invalidates your objection.

I'm not entirely sure "populist" should even be considered a bad word. We could consider it being derived from "population", as in politics that serve the population.

>fixing my tire, nevermind carrying a massive housing program.

Car maintenance is entirely unrelated to planning a housing project, so this doesn't even make sense.

The soviets copy pasted "living units", which was the famous commie-block buildings with a bunch of other structures for various habitation related stuff, and some trees. It's not the best design, but it sure beats capitalist homelessness. And it's really cost efficient. Even just copying that would be an improvement over the present state of things.

There are of course much more advanced ideas for habitation. Like abandoning 2 dimensional design where buildings are just extruded upwards from the ground. There are new concepts for designing buildings like vertical roads which have little pedestrian bridges interconnecting houses allowing people to move more 3 dimensionally. People living in those pilot projects really like it.

It would be nice to go for a better design, but commie blocks still beat homelessness.


>So homelessness leads to poor health and drug abuse.
>Even more reasons for universal housing.
tbh no. Certain individuals fuck themselves up more than others because they have no discipline and ironically that came from the comfortable nature of a household where they probably were the individuals that didnt contribute much if anything. So it's a finniky thing, to give them houses or not. I think we should have oppurtunity to build our shacks ourselves instead, but with the amazing amenities that modernized society has been providing people have opted for an easier and lazier but less free reward.


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In capitalism the concept of personal responsibility only applies to sufficiently big capitalists, blaming anybody lower on the economic ladder is class collaborationist victim blaming. In a class-less society where wealth inequality is perpetually low, of course that would be different, and everybody would have responsibility.

The basic principle is the people who control the surplus are the only ones that can be held responsible for the well being of everybody in society. In a capitalist society it's the capitalists who control the surplus and hence all responsibility falls on them, in a classless society where everybody participates in the allocation of surplus, everybody shares responsibility.

We also have to look at harmful effects of social and economic structures, when people are made powerless, either because they are politically disenfranchised or because extreme wealth concentration robs them of material means. That causes harmful stress, which inflicts damage on the body. Harming the body of people is a crime and people are entitled compensation for that damage.

If you look at the worsening health outcomes when countries move from socialist or social democratic economics to neo-liberal economics that proves that these structural crimes are indeed happening. You also have to take into account the material reality that the environment shapes people and, in the capitalist world most people are denied control over their environment.

You can't do slums (where everybody builds their own shack). It's going to breed diseases.
>the amazing amenities that modernized society
Yes everybody has a right to live in a modern housing arrangement, of at least commie-block quality. And if you find a homeless person that wants to live in a modern house but is denied this, you found the victim of a crime. You may find it acceptable to live in a shack or a tent but do not attempt to impose that fate on others. And lets be clear people do not choose the material conditions they live in, because if people could choose, everybody would choose to be born as a super-wealthy trust-fund baby.

>people have opted

No people almost never have a choice when it comes to the economic system they live in, so you can't make an argument that people can choose their fate.

>no discipline

You completely misunderstand this, people do not lack discipline or motivation to do productive things and improve them selves. With very few exceptions people are born with a drive to create, build and enhance their own attributes like skills and what not. But most people get that beaten out of them by a ruling class that imposes it self on society. And we have to be realistic about this. You cannot blame individual people for effects that are caused by the actions of a ruling class.

We have to put the finger on the motivation destroying actions of the ruling class.


>That causes harmful stress,
Not really, they cause it to themselves.
>You can't do slums (where everybody builds their own shack). It's going to breed diseases.
Who called it slums firstmostly?
>No people almost never have a choice
If death is an option everyone will always have a choice
>most people get that beaten out of them
Alas they should've been more resilient
>We have to put the finger on the motivation destroying actions of the ruling class.
You want to turn the table of society so that it turns yours but it works the other way around.


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>they cause it to themselves.
Nope this can be dismissed as victim blaming.

People are harmed by social and economic structures that make them powerless via political disenfranchisement or because extreme wealth concentration robs them of material means. This inflicts damage on the body and that means people are entitled to compensation for that damage.

>If death is an option everyone will always have a choice

Driving people into suicide is a type of murder and it does not represent a choice for an alternative economic or political system.

>Alas they should've been more resilient

Nope Victim blaming again.
The fault always lies with the perpetrator.

>You want to turn the table of society

wtf is a table of society ?
Never mind.
I want a realistic view on how humanity works.
If somebody imposes class-rule on people that makes people suffer. Which degrades people and makes them loose their drive for creating and building. There is no choice but to blame the ruling class for the effects their rule has on people.

People cannot be held responsible unless they are actually in control of economic surplus and political power.


>Oh nooo! because there is a punishment for disobedience then I will not disobey! I'm afraid it's gonna hurt >_<
Go sit on a sofa and talk talk talk talk talk talk talk
Because the world is composed of mostly spineless faggots like you and we're in the shit that we are in Thanks to you.


So when you engage in victim blaming, you don't want people to reason with you, in order to convince you ?
You want them to do something else ?
Like what ?

Are you seriously asking to be made the victim so you may experience it yourself instead of being told about it ? That seems like a raw deal.


>It's not the best design, but
>it sure beats capitalist homelessness
Which is caused by the economic needs & not @ all by retarded housing designs. "M*rxists" being total retards, as usual.

>The only people who use the word """populist""" are status quo warriors looking to insult their political opponents instead of making reasoned arguments.

>I'm not entirely sure "populist" should even be considered a bad word.
>We could consider it being derived from "population", as in politics that serve the population.
t. literally every single faschist/reactionary movement leader in history.

>>sectarian screeching

t. righteous witchhunter catholicuck with ad hominem characteristics
Show your daddy sanctioned opinion pass™ before posting something here you authocuck, or go back to .org. Over there, you definetily won't find any dogdamned sectaristas/fractioners.

Red-painted faschists are truly something else. Worse than a fucking Hitler, & only because he didn't present himself as a communist since this position was already occupied.


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Wtf is wrong with you?


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Customer should shut the fuck up.

Late night is when fast food stores are closing up for he night or in the middle of cleaning.

Customers need to stop acting like service workers are their secondary butler-parents.



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