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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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"Just pick up a trade" is the new "just learn to code bro"


Yeah, even though tradies are poor af. They always point to the guy making six figures but never mention the fact that he either owns a business or is doing insane overtime.


is there a problem? Learning a trade allows you to potentially become self employed, same with coding if you're willing to be a freelancer or happen to make a popular app or so but I'm starting to think coding could easily get oversaturated whereas with trades you need to do an apprenticeship and permits.


Becoming a construction worker seems more like a universally useful job than learning a single trade. Both trades and coding seem pretty saturated.




>Omg, don't tell me to learn a useful skill. I should get paid for just existing!
Millennials and gen z were a mistake


And he has already been doing the trade for the past ten-plus years, most of which he spent doing the miserable bitch work for a pittance.
>Learning a trade allows you to potentially become self employed
Fucking lel. The petit-bourgeoisie is dying out and yet bootstrappers constantly put forward the claim that you can join them with just a little (read "a decade or two") of poorly paid and miserable hard work.
Construction is good, except when it's not. It's a boom-and-bust business, and it's a young man's game.


90% of coding under capitalism is paper pushing bullshit


you seem to be lost.


>strawmanning as usual

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