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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

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Are police proles?


financed from state revenue so no. There might be an argument for private security


false conscious class traitors


>are police prole?
Only if prole is a term that lacks any relevance





The paper pusher administrators are proles, so it is not a good indicator.


Not really, also police is the most corrupt government entity after the guardians (politicians) in social-democracy. I like Plato’s idea, where the guardians cannot own any private property and are dependent on the prole for their living; only the prole (in sense of ateliers, artisans, craftmen, trademen etc) can own private property; although I would change it so no one can own private property, except for a fictional entity— a file in the IRS— that can own all property and all enterprises MUST be owned by their employees. And if a company wants to own properties abroad it MUST register a fictional entity locally in the State and pay ALL the taxes the State has oblige them to pay.


this actually a good idea

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