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How come child labor didn't make a huge comeback




Children deserve death


Like >>483 already said there has been some regression towards re-introducing child labor.

I wonder tho what the effect will be if parents can no longer hope that their children can have a better future. The age of forceful socialist revolutions was during a time when there were no restrictions on child labor. I wonder if these things were related.


Then the species will die?


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he doesn't care. incels hate not only the working class but the whole of humanity and the human project just like troons


Don't troons @ me bro


t. bitter mamchild

We still habe child labor in the third world

teenagers workimg extra hours at McDonalds doesnt count as child labor.

Also child labor isnt inherently bad. Its how you go about it.
Imo, reducing children to being students only is ironically what sets them up for failure.
It puts too much risk on parents.


>teenagers working extra hours at McDonalds doesnt count as child labor.
In that case I guess the definition for child labor is when they compete for work that would otherwise be done by a regular worker.

>Also child labor isnt inherently bad.

Making children learn how to flip burgers, when McD will automate the hole thing in a few years anyway, seems rather pointless.

>Imo, reducing children to being students only

>too much risk
We probably should pay students a wage then.


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>t. bitter mamchild
Kids Are Cruel


They can be, but it's also somewhat unreasonable to judge what's basically an unfinished person.

May i ask why you uploaded a tiny image that's 16x16 pixels and appears to be blank (although file-size should be about 100B not 160). You don't have to add an image to make a post.


So are adults. Adults do way worse and use their age to justify it.

>children are unfinished beings

I have no respect for this kimd of paternalism.
Children arent "defective/incomplete".


>pay students a wage

Why not have them do work then?

Also, my idea of child labor isnt merely flipping birgers or bagging grocoeries.
Something more alomg the lines of helping out in landscaping or meal prep or helping review paperwork.


Of all the contrived excuses for cruelty, i have never actually come across somebody using their age. Cruelty as a privilege of age, that doesn't appear to be a thing.

Kindness can be a innate character trait, but it can also be a learned behavior. Some children start out sadistic but learn to be kind while they grow up. You have to account for that and not judge children the same way as adults.


The point was to consider learning and skill training as work.


>teenagers getting exploited is okay
>& btw, exploiting kids in general isn't so bad either
Another department of childhood manager faggot. I still cherish the moments we always sabotaged you shits whenever you faggots tried to forcefully exploit our time for your crap so you could cheap out on wages you fucking cuck.


I mean that adults, particularily men, ise their age and industrial position to justofy their vices spilling over into others.

Also, children are more pathologised for the slightest flaw.

Look at the vast majotity of liability laws used against the youth for the slightest trangeession.

Also mot all children are the same. This is another thing that pople forget.
The tabula rosa law and lack of allowed individuality leads to disasterous results.

Some kids start out sadistic but most others dont.
Some kids may like chocolate, others dont.

The most basic lesson that adults ignore in their own egotism is tgat children are people and have personal diversity.

Our modern culture reduces children to age numbers.
Everything a child says, does, prefers is diagnosed as age-depeensent.

And that moral philosophy is stagnanting. Its why we have immaturity.



Are you butthurt about the idea of kids doing work for pocket money?
Also , teen labor isnt abusive. It was socially expected for teens to work before the 2010s.

Also, school should not be the sole purpose of youth.

This is too idealistic.
Adults are gonna shut this down as "entitlement".
Theyre gonna pervert this into doing those shitty gift card/school credit.

Also, experience is the best teacher.


>I mean that adults, particularily men, ise their age and industrial position to justofy their vices spilling over into others.
I don't know what this means but it sounds like you don't like industrial workers ?
Which is kinda sus given that you are trying to shill for child-labor

>Also, children are more pathologised for the slightest flaw.

>Look at the vast majotity of liability laws used against the youth for the slightest trangeession.
>Everything a child says, does, prefers is diagnosed as age-depeensent.

I doubt this has anything to do with your strange "age-bugbear". This is class society going bad. The ruling classes are turning to increasingly more tyrannical population controle mechanisms, and they're also trying to extend the reach to children as well. Another facet of this is the over categorization of people. The counter cultural tendency for this is going to be wild.

>moral philosophy is stagnanting

No the societal malaise is caused be late-stage capitalism.
The problems come from the top of society.


>This is too idealistic.
Not at all, it's very shrude and politically calculated.
Parents will be in favor of this, because it means more income for their household.
Employers will be in favor of this as well, because it means a greater supply of educated and highly skilled labor.

>Adults are gonna shut this down as "entitlement".

You can't think correctly because, adults vs children, is not a real dividing line between competing interest groups. The people that will oppose waged-education/skill-training are those that make money of the status quo.

>They're gonna pervert this into doing those shitty gift card/school credit.

Once you have taught students "Fuck you pay me" fake points won't cut it anymore.

>Also, experience is the best teacher.

Technically speaking education and skill-training is something people experience. I know this isn't a real argument, but then again neither is your boilerplate sloganeering.



You are willfully misinterpreting what Im saying.

Education is experience but not as practical as you think after a ceratin level.

Also, how am I not "thinking correctly" when I say that paying students for learning is gonna incur the accusations of entitlement?

Are you living aunder a rick?

Once again, imageboards proving their lack of self awareness.
Then they wonder why they cannot get alomg with "normies".

Paying wages to students is just a small filter away from "child" labor.


>how am I not "thinking correctly" when I say that paying students for learning is gonna incur the accusations of entitlement?
It's not really a narrative battle, the interest group that benefits from waged learning and upskilling, is more influential than the interest group that would oppose this.
But if you are so worried about the narative. We could just flip the script and say that it was entitled to expect people to spend all that time and effort learning all that complicated stuff for free.

<normies approve of child labor

there's your lack of self awareness

>Paying wages to students is just a small filter away from child labor.

This is so tiring, lets cut the pretense.

You seek to introduce child labor because you want to increase the labor supply of unskilled labor, and reduce the wages of that section of the work-force. That's the material interest you are pursuing.

Paying students wages, enables children from poor backgrounds to gain considerable social mobility. It prevents the formation of a hereditary intelligentsia cast, that erects economic barriers that only allows the children of their cast to get access to education. That's the material interest i'm pursuing.

You can look at India what cast does. A relatively small section of their society has locked out the rest of society from gaining knowledge and skills. That has shrunk their talent pool to a tiny fraction of their overall potential. It's one of the reasons why India is irrelevant in high tech.

It's a statistical effect, if you can draw talent from a larger pool, you get a lot more of it. If a large country like China implements 'wageucation', lets say in 10 to 15 years when they're rich enough to afford it. The acceleration in science and technology will be tremendous. The countries that hold on to intelligentsia cast structures will fall behind.


Most people disprove of child labor because they think their kids are too good for worldly interaction.

And your post shows this sentimemt.

People always think education is the only role that youth can fullfill.

Also you forget that schools are funded by taxes.
Alot of people are increasingly getting tired of having to put up wuth academic systems that do nothing but imoose bullshit rules and instruction.

We have an epoch of adulthood where people spent most of their prime in higher education amd yet have zero homestead skills and are socially inept.

Alot of unskilled laborers being worked for cheap are college students.

Higher education is the new profiteering industry because people are getting leery of credt cards and are using virtual banks.

The social expectancy of prime age adults has declined sharply in the past five decades.


>Most people disprove of child labor because they think their kids are too good for worldly interaction.
You're full of it.

In the 18 century when child labor was allowed capitalists did things like chain children to the machines in cotton mills, even make them crawl into the mechanisms where they could easily get mangled to death. Horrors like that basically have closed this debate forever.

A very long time ago people did not know what lava was. Somebody probably jumped into the lava, burst into flames and died horribly. Nobody jumps into lava anymore. It's like that with child labor.


This is retarded logic.

One, people back then knew what lava is. Even if theu neber knoew what it was, they probably wouldnt jump into it because its heat and viscosity.

Also, child labor is stigmatised now because of the indoctrination about education being the ticket of civilised living.

As for the child labòr about wirkimg in factories?
That was the Industiral Revolution.

Most child labor was helping out at the family farm or town workshop.
Child factory workers were usually orphams or immigrants.


People shouldnt be procreating.


We need child sex workers


No, stop trying to be edgy


child labour is sublated in the nuclear family household by chores and in the public school system. homework for example is literally mindless labour which has its imperative in the system.
those positions are outsourced to the third world, like so many important jobs


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Children do labor when they go to school


The sociobiological objectification of children as hereditary playthings of the parents is part of the reason for this current-year crisis

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