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/WRK/ - Wagie and Work

Work and Wagie related discussion
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Is there a reason that they seem to only hire chronically asshurt middle aged people? They make you feel like dirt when asking to pick up a pizza. None of them seem to want to be there.Very rare to see a teen employed at any Costco.

Why the fuck do I need to pay Costco a membership fee to shop there just to deal with some pissed off wage earner (Union no less) in order to maybe save a buck or two on large quantity consumable goods?

Small to commercial business usually have a supplier that beats Costco for what they need. Individuals and households with a brain understand that bulk needs can be met by something like a Walmart or even Home Depot.

Why the fuck would any human with an ounce of self worth want to piss away a couple hours minimum just to shop at Costco? Idiocracy made fun of this damn near two decades ago and it's more true than ever.

BTW - the rotisserie chickens are shit now and it's not because of the package change. Fuck Costco.

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