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File: 1608529037842.jpg ( 132.52 KB , 265x375 , BNA_poster.jpg )


Well that was bad. Wasted potential as it's usual with many shows.

Most baffling parts were the deuteragonist working the big rich mafia guy that pits the poor to kill each other as a sport among other things and the "if you kill him you'll be as bad as him" at the end. Then there's the convenient powers the main couple exhibit to solve the big issue at the end.

Trigger hasn't been good since it was called Gainax, huh.


>Trigger hasn't been good since it was called Gainax
so, never




>deuteragonist working the big rich mafia guy that pits the poor to kill each other as a sport
lmfao the fucker is also part of literal child trafficking but the wolf retard cant stop crying about MUH HUMANS ALL BAD


It's fun but lacking some stuff to really make it good. Also it's furry bait.


I'm all for furry bait but this could not hold my interest after five or six episodes, unlike say beastars or even aggretsuko. waiting patiently for something better to come along

why don't someone animate blacksad goddamnit


Do they? Why?


File: 1608529129749.jpg ( 1.07 MB , 1267x1500 , 1607746062261.jpg )

By CoyoteAnon
>Feel the Rythm pt1: Record Breaker
>Love's a Bitch
>Soma-ch for beating the heat
>AU Ref. Sheet
By Happy_Guy
>Tanuki rape
>Shirou's Outlet
By HierophantHerp
>Trick or Tanuki
>Twilight Wings
>Feel the Rythm pt2: Suspects
>Shark Week Special
>Heart of the Shark (Part 1)
>Heart of the Shark (Part 2)


Damn how did I miss double 45's, checked, Dirty Harry.


prolly because of the themes of transformation n sheet


…hahahahaha! That's pathetic.


Baseball episode was pretty good.


File: 1627511971116.gif ( 3.34 MB , 500x281 , BNA toony.gif )

BNA is mediocre; the plot is garbage, even by anime standards. Some radical liberal chick decides she wants wolf dick and finds out she can be EVEN MORE OPPRESSED THAN SHE ALREADY IS! Cue save the world montage. Barf. The characters have barely any depth to them with the exception of the wolf guy and then he's basically Vegeta and the final boss is basically a caricature of the mustache twirling supervillain. The art is okay but that's about it's only saving grace.

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