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File: 1608528779578.jpg ( 90.2 KB , 820x615 , 2016-03-Patlabor-ova2-1.jpg )


Literally the only good cops


I haven't seen it. Isn't he the same guy that made GITS? GITS is one of my favorite anime. Incredible. Also about cops.



He did the original ova and the first 2 movies. Movie 2 is GOAT and on par with GITS '95


Holy shit! A must watch then. Did you watch the GITS series? I really like them as well. Mostly the SAC 1 and 2 and the movies, before they changed the art style.
The new netflix was ok. It was like half of a movie cut into episodes. I liked that it kind of had similar themes as the original series, but it ends abruptly for no reason. And the episodes didn't have individual arcs like the original series episodes.
._. I just wanted more quality animoo



SAC is good but movie 1 is absolute GOAT


Patlabor 2 was essentially a rough draft for Ghost in the Shell. It's a very good film on its own right, but it's not reflective of the franchise as a whole.
I disagree. While GITS is certainly a classic, it's kind of overrated as far as what you can glean from it nowadays. Innocence however is highly underrated.



1. Gotta disagree re: GitS1. I've always seen it as one of the best animated examples of less-is-more storytelling. It's barely 80 minutes long, but honestly, it manages to impart so much information about its characters and setting in its short runtime just through subtle visual cues and framing. The example that sticks out in memory off the top of my head is the short scene with Aramaki and the diplomat in the elevator near the beginning. Framing, dialogue, colors, everything tells you exactly what you need to know about these two.

2. Innocence is good, has parts that are great, but I think is weakened by A. some datedly ambitious CG, and B. the second half honestly just feels "off" in terms of pacing and tone. We go to the big cyberpunk slum, we have the obligatory Oshii montage and then we enter corpse guy's magical mansion of practical jokes, and then all of a sudden it's the climax, which honestly feels overblown given the stakes. Then Motoko shows up, gets a sad "goodbye" moment after she decides to peace out back to go play minecraft with skynet and wintermute, and the scene's attempt at pathos falls flat - the audience at this point, in the time frame of both movies, hasn't spent enough time with the movie timeline's version of Motoko to really give any more than a shrug once you get to the shot of the deactivated fuckdoll with the folk choir belting out one last line. It feels like they just sort of banked on people watching SAC and going "OHHHH MMMMYYY GGGOOOODDD IT'S MAJOR TITS."

3. Interesting you bring up the point about Patlabor 2, because there's an interview on the old limited edition set in which Oshii explicitly states that he saw GitS and P2 as companion pieces



And just to elaborate, that's the thing about Innocence - yeah, I get that it's a film of ideas, and I get that a major component of the movie's emotional arc is Batou grieving now that the Major is basically a minor cyber-deity and has to funnel all his affection into his dog just to cope, but again, this isn't a version of the Major the audience really has spent that much time with to get that kind of invested in. We see her for the duration of the first movie, in which she's very much depicted at arm's length compared to the manga and the show (which is fine, because GitS is a very cold movie by design, as Oshii often do), but Innocence's attempts to heighten the emotional stakes while building off of that foundation comes off as odd - not to mention, like I said earlier, the climax feels weirdly miscalculated. The ultimate stakes aren't much different from a random filler episode of the show, and yet Kenji Kawai's score is going absolutely apeshit as if Batou were about to get into a kickboxing match with the anti-christ or something. And yes, I get the movie is doing some weird meta thing where it's trying to explicitly tie its narrative arc to the progression of its themes and ideas, but honestly, that's something Oshii himself has done better elsewhere


Sure, Ghost in the Shell did a lot to emulate cinematic convention and certainly helped "elevate" animation as a medium for film (as if it ever needed to be), but as far as I'm concerned Mamoru Oshii has always been rather ambivalent to that kind of perception of his work. You might recall his qualms with Studio Ghibli when they really started to brand themselves as such at the height of Hayao Miyazaki's initial international success in the late 1990s and early 2000s, criticizing them for distancing themselves from the word "anime" and its associated adult-oriented, not-so-cinematic connotations. A lot of Japanese animators at the time were contemplating what exactly made animation distinct from film, when in actuality, and as Oshii once put it: "all film is becoming animation." I think it's tragic that so much of the "bad" CG composited anime from this period have yet to receive blu-ray releases. In my opinion, visually, they've aged much better than people think. It would be interesting to compare them all with the slew of cel-shaded anime we got in the 2010s but that's a different discussion.
Where would you say Oshii has done better? Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer was my first thought, but that was twenty years ago up until that point. When it comes to Innocence, I think the Donna Haraway cameo that occurs fifteen minutes in should tell you everything you need to know about the film from thereon. That is to say, Innocence was never meant to be a direct sequel. In fact, it's much easier (and more interesting!) to talk about it as a standalone feature situated in the GITS franchise than one explicitly connected to the original 1995 film.


Lol, they weren't even depicted as good cops in the show. Still love them though.

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