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 No.4715[View All]

This thread is to talk about things on Japanese culture, and the good and bad of it
101 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I agree with the fact that fate is a very bland series, but I think Raita's characters are well designed even if his style can be off-putting.
Don't be pedant.


I liked the VN and some of the anime, but I lost interest after trying to get into the other stuff. There is way too much fucking fate shit.


Japanese culture wouldn't be so reactionary if it weren't for Western influence.


Well, they wouldn't be like this if they had surrendered to the USSR instead of the USA.


If only the Soviets had taken Japan though.
They'd have a major advantage in Korea, and obviously so would China.
There'd be a more powerful red bloc in the East.
The war in Vietnam would've been more difficult to prosecute and the Communists there'd have an easier time.


Orientalism Thread >>7763

School Theme Thread >>7837


How badly did the violent activities of the Japanese New Left scare people and set the Left back?


That is quite the contrast.


That's why the Atom Bombs dropped.


>Based Oni lovers
yes yes yes yes


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>lib Japan trying to show the world that they're not racist anymore and that they're cool like other first world countries, despite their still horrible treatment of foreigners and their own workers, and their other, numerous problems
No one can possibly be this stupid, those have to be bots


>No one can possibly be this stupid, those have to be bots
You'd be surprised how many people believe Japan is le based ethnostate when it's a giant aircraft carrier for the US, completely subservient to the needs of their master.
Or how the easily ignore how Abe made it possible to import cheap labour from SEA while the JCP opposed it.


My dude, leftyweebpol's content on wayback has been posted here many times, thanks tho.


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kek I'd been thinking about these "incidents" lately
Hetafags are insufferably retarded even to this day, it's like they are incapable of seeing the implications of what they do and say and watch.


Hetalia is cringe and always has been,


I still like some of the characters tho
There's not enough USSR/communist fanart


They're mostly pretty-boys and it feels like a really gay roleplay.


>mostly pretty boys
Which is why I like them
Also because I'm still a bit attached to them due to nostalgia


So supposedly these BHs aren't "Marxist", but they do use "dialectical materialism". https://nitter.42l.fr/BlkHmmrTimes/status/1419321578500894720#m

And recently have harassed, in the typical BH autism, the PSL about their activities at events for Cuban socialism, even though both support Cuba.

Also, there are some extremely shitty takes on Helen Keller from BH.


accurate, Sakaists and other such retards are cancer who want black ethno-nationalism but trying justify it as "anti-colonialism"

>gender ideology
<if the parents know the baby to be male, they are more likely to ascribe the kicking to the fact that the child is male and therefore assumed to be more physically active by nature
Yep, this is radlib trash that will be yet another excuse to abuse children under the guise of "gender identity" positivity. All this based on tangential anecdotes, badly done "studies" and a clearly reek of sex-obsessed ideology projected onto ill people and children supposedly based on what moeshit anime promote in the capitalist market. It's just such a cart of scummy manipulative opinion that just thinking of how wrong it is raises red flags.
>inb4 why/explain/'no-argument"
This is the kind of longwinded, rainbow capitalist radlib twaddle that would take longer to debunk in sufficient detail than the actual article itself, and nobody is going to read that.




What was the pic and what is the relevance?


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>Magia Record, Kakushigoto, Fruits Basket and Sword Art Online: A general review of anime in 2020

>Anime is an immensely popular entertainment and art global medium, particularly among young people. It is one, however, to which socialist criticism or general sociological criticism is never (at least consistently) applied. There are millions of texts, blogs and words devoted to comparing one anime with another, but this is almost always done from a fairly superficial or purely personal standpoint rather than one that contextualizes the medium politically and historically.

>We are writing about anime to encourage audiences who, at this point, tend to accept the material that passes before their eyes rather uncritically from a social point of view to begin demanding more substantial work. We live in acutely tense and complex times, and the generalities and banalities that anime has thrived on to this point are wholly inadequate.

>Here, therefore, is a review of a selection of anime that aired throughout 2020 with an eye on different genres, source materials and studios as well as popularity and, admittedly, the author’s own personal interests.




Get the fuck back to kiwifarms.


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Late nighties chads stay winning

In the words of the great philosopher miley ray cyrus

>Best of both the worlds ooo yeah yeah




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why is this password encrypted


The KyoAni arson was my fault.


what the fuck


bro i straight up can't understand when you guys are memeing or not

so Gonzalo bad also and not some slanderized leftist?
what about pol pot? and drpk?


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I wrote in 8ch/leftypol a post about how Haruhi Suzumiya was a great gnostic anagogy. I guess the inquisition read it and decided to act. Notice they used fire.
You can't convince me otherwise.


So, what's up nowadays everyone? Is this place alive?

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