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Please don't make me regret making this thread by posting some coomer shit.

What do you think about Ghost in the Shell? Do you think the political/technology critiques are valid or bullshit (I tend to see a lot of reactionary fans co-opt very leftist takes). Discuss.


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I think it's some of the best cyberpunk commentary that ever cyberpunk'd, both Oshii's two movies and the superb SAC series. I can go without Masamune's manga.


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Excellent but very depressing films.


As far as I know, this is the most "adult" anime ever created. Many shonen and seinen feature adult themes but that doesn't really make them for adults. If anything, the often overt and heavy-handed instances of the adult themes display a not-yet-adult obsession with them.

Ghost in the Shell is about adults behaving as adults, some changing slowly but mostly set in their ways like adults are. The lack of an overarching goal also makes it unique. While the plot is primarily driven by the "villains" and criminals, the "good guys" have no Holy Grail to find, no ultimate goal to succeed in, only the immediate problems they face. Worse yet, since they are cops, their job is to maintain the status quo.

Above all what I like best is that it's not a pandering show and that's what really sets it apart. Every other anime I've ever seen, some of which I love, feels like it was made to please the viewer or provide some kind of cheap gratification. GitS doesn't feel that way to me at all, with all its loose ends, moral ambiguity, and cynical vision of the future. It feels like its own thing, and that the viewer is simply along for the ride.

PS Kusanagi is one of the most mysterious and seductive females in any visual medium. First, that revealing outfit baiting you into thinking it's just a "eye-candy girl with super powers" like that dumb ho from Black Lagoon. Then, the displays of her skills (and limitations!) showing she is as good as any dude and deserving leader of the squad. Finally, the repeated little moments showing you the richness of her inner life and solitary nature, culminating in her choice to temporarily leave her body to live on the internet.

Will there ever be anything like it again bros?


This. Except I haven't read the manga.
One of my favorite franchises of media. The arise ones I didn't like so much.
Good take. Yes yes yes. I love GITS.


>Above all what I like best is that it's not a pandering show and that's what really sets it apart. Every other anime I've ever seen, some of which I love, feels like it was made to please the viewer or provide some kind of cheap gratification.
I dunno, it sure takes them ages to explain why Kusanagi dresses like a cosplay whore. Her appearance in Oshii's movie is much more mature.


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What is the purpose or theory behind these damn holes?


>What is the purpose or theory behind these damn holes?
What holes!?


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These, are you blind?


they're for your needle dick


Because they look cool.


Given their placement and pattern it's probably vents of some kind

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