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File: 1609199325055.jpeg ( 921.5 KB , 1920x1080 , outlaw star.jpeg )


Why doesn't anyone seem to make imaginative adventure fiction like this anymore? One thing I always really liked about this series was its blending of fantastical elements with high technology. Even though there's all sorts of crazy stuffy in the Outlaw Star universe, every phenomenon seems to have its limits and has to operate by some sort of rules.

Also has no one seriously translated the Outlaw Star manga into English? What the hell is that all about?


>Also has no one seriously translated the Outlaw Star manga into English? What the hell is that all about?
The manga was literally an ad for the commercially unsuccessful anime and light novels. Therefore, only hardcore fans would be interested in reading it, much less scanlating it.

The first five chapters were scanlated, but you're probably not going to get any more unless you track down the raws and wrangle up some diehard fans to work on it.
Here's a mega link for the scanlations: https://mega.nz/folder/xJ0HXKxI#fetokTc_wkn04ZmpS3MVBA


>literally an ad
That seems unlikely since it was started two years before the anime adaptation.


Have you ever heard of the media mix? It's the Japanese cross media promotion strategy designed to sell merch.

I also found the manga raws: https://mega.nz/folder/RdV0gLTT#HSLHfRMtzJ8Xo7jt46vVCg

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