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>mfw when bitch about nobuhiro watsuki or other mangaka that support nobuhiro watsuki because he got convicted of having CP

imo if he didn't make it and he didn't actually molest any children then it's totally whatever. if all he did was wack it to pictures in the privacy of his own home then it isn't really anyone else's business

pedos gonna phile and prosecuting and ostracizing them when no one at all was hurt is ridiculous. even if you wanna make the argument that making the cp hurt the child, unless watsuki-sensei was the one that made it he hasn't harmed anyone.

it's retarded that he had to pay 200,000 yen fines for having naked girls on his computer when if he had a hd full of pictures of corpses no one would give a shit


Is that you vaush?


I might as well post the thread theme before the actual "discussion" starts


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>imo if he didn't make it and he didn't actually molest any children then it's totally whatever. if all he did was wack it to pictures in the privacy of his own home then it isn't really anyone else's business

>pedos gonna phile and prosecuting and ostracizing them when no one at all was hurt is ridiculous. even if you wanna make the argument that making the cp hurt the child, unless watsuki-sensei was the one that made it he hasn't harmed anyone.

>it's retarded that he had to pay 200,000 yen fines for having naked girls on his computer when if he had a hd full of pictures of corpses no one would give a shit


>people going apeshit about pedo shit
nothing new.
Also, what the fuck is wrong with americans that anyone under the age of 18 seems to have no agency and no sexual drive. It's hilarious to see 17 y/o kids outraged about being sexualized before they have turned the magical age of 18. Also people who retroactively victimize themselves for seeking out sex with over-18 people when they were under 18. No nigga, you weren't "abused" against your will, you went on grindr and loved the dick sucking you got. Everyone does fucked up shit at some point of their lives, get over it.


How is that similar to child pornography featuring actual, under 14 years old children?


> It's hilarious to see 17 y/o kids outraged about being sexualized before they have turned the magical age of 18
>Also people who retroactively victimize themselves for seeking out sex with over-18 people when they were under 18
>No nigga, you weren't "abused" against your will, you went on grindr and loved the dick sucking you got.
>Everyone does fucked up shit at some point of their lives, get over it.
Kill yourself or someone will do it for you fucking chomo


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If you're under 18 you are a child.
Having sex with a significantly older adult when you are under 18, like say any more than 2 or 3 years older might seem fine at the time, to your' developing young brain, but chances are that it will fuck you up. Even people in the age of 18/19 or early 20's can be manipulated/exploited much easier by older adults with more life experience, so even this pairing carries with it certain risks.
You say "under 14 years old children" I am assuming because you masturbate to 14 year olds and possibly younger children. It is important to note that sex between a 14-17 year old child and a much older adult is bound to have a very large power differential, and it is a recipe for trauma and possibly heartbreak for the child. It is likely the adult in this situation is interested primarily because "their partner" is a still developing child. Realizing this and getting discarded by your abuser, whom you may have even thought loved you, later on is one of the most damaging effects of childhood sexual abuse. Not to mention that people who sexually abuse children cannot in principle or in actuality obtain any degree of consent from the children they sexually exploit.
Sex between adults and children of any age is always exploitative.
Sex between adults and children of any age is always harmful.

Listen pedophiles, the truth is simple if you are honest with yourself.
You cannot choose whether you will develop a sexual attraction to children, perhaps you could say the same thing of necrophiliacs or those with an intense drive to rape, what you can choose is how you will deal with these drives.
Our mother nature is brutal and unfair, human beings and other social animals by contrast possess knowledge of morality and the ability to reproduce it.
Taking no actions to quench your desires may end up in you committing a sexual offense, it is your' task to deal with your pedophilic desires in a healthy way, it is society's task to provide you with the resources you may require to overcome the urge to abuse children. Should you fail in this task, it is society's task to hold you accountable for your actions, and for you, to accept your fate.


listen retard I was shitting on that poster who brought up "everyone does fucked up shit at some point" which isn't very relevant to the topic of child pornography. I said children under 14 because that poster can't possibly deny that at that age, being sexualized by adults is unambiguously fucked up no matter how you look at it, unlike with, say, 17 year olds who are just about to turn 18, which he argues is no big deal.
I actually agree with you that a even a very young adult can easily suffer more with a much older partner than with one around their own age, and it often happens.

But chill the fuck out my man. I hate pedo apologists too but you gotta tone it down a little, else you risk being blinded by that rage.


>but chances are that it will fuck you up
where are the proofs billy


>Also, what the fuck is wrong with americans
At least in this instance, decades upon decades of hysterical screeching from their media about how pedophilia is the worst thing ever and that pedophiles are lurking in every shadow just frothing to get at their children.


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