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Discussion of the way that Animators are treated in the Anime industry. Firstly. why are animators treated like shit? Why don't they try forming unions? You're thoughts on this whole Animator Dormitory project? How can the West (I'm assuming that most of Bunkerchan is yankees and eurofags) help?


For as positive as Animator Dormitory project is, taking a look at its gofundme page isn't inspiring. I feel spoiled, but all it amouunts to is housing assistance and job training. Something that even a yankee can expect to be provided by the government or an employer. Not that housing assistance is usually provided by an employer, but there has been a history in which employers would provide housing (free of charge or a rentier.) Corporate dormitories carry more a stigma in the West, but I believe they might be prominent in Japan because employees tend to stay overnight.
Japan seems to have a union presence, but it's been on the decline. I remember reading that labour unions are beneficial to Japanese productivity, so that could be indicative of Japanese unions' collaboration with the bourgeoisie.


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What is sad is how many of these animators and mangaka die young, and often of suicides. Or they damage their hands or their eyes trying to meet the strict deadlines and can no longer work on their craft.

I think it'd be cool to marry an artist and be able to financially support that person in return for feeling like you subconsciouly affected a piece of art and would leave a legacy.


Asian Boss is pretty reactionary but they did a cover of an animator who did work for BNHA and other popular shows and she described the tough living. Its played as a joke in To-Love Ru with Rito's father being an over-worked Mangaka who is never home.


> Why don't they try forming unions?
A South Korean socialist on r*ddit was talking about how they legit send death squads to your house if you try to organize. Maybe nips have something similar.


Not really, but when they unionized and striked in the 70s, the companies simply outsourced the job to SK since the Japanese laws prohibits hiring scabs. Animators have no bargaining power and are one the most exploited categories of workers in the first world, despite technically being professionals.
KyoAni is the only good anime company and some schizo decided to burn it all down, fuck.


Can we use the poor treatment of animators to redpill western anime fans on labor rights and unions? Drives me insane how many of those fuckers piss and moan about the poor treatment of animators while being right wing shitheads who overlook the exploitation of labor they support in America.


We've tried they just think they deserve it. People were rubbing their hands in glee on /a/ when Kyo-Ani was burning.


>Be the only Japanese political party against big business and US occupation
>leader gets assassinated by some schizo
>Be the only Japanese animation studio treating workers well
>Gets burned down by some schizo
Really makes you think.


They were? I remember the opposite. But my memories of /a/ are a bit blurry.


I remember going between // and /leftypol/ and the /a/ fags were caught between cheering it on, and talking shit about how KyoAni took too long to release Seasons. Few of them were remorseful or saddened past their own selfish desires.


The people celebrating it were just being contrarian assholes like always. There's no doubt that was an opinion on /a/. Nonetheless, KyoAni still recovered despite the huge loss of life.


Wow, that's hard to believe. I can't imagine the /a/ I left in 2014 would have gotten that bad. /a/nons were shitty, but not like that.


>4,939 McDonald's Employee Salaries. McDonald's employees earn $20,000 annually on average, or $10 per hour, which is 106% lower than the national salary average of $65,000 per year.
>CG animators make almost as much money as McDonald's workers.


In Japan is more convenient to work part-time in a konbini than to be an animator.


Well, I do remember them being that shitty when the big earthquake hit Japan.




Eh, its like /pol/ and other boards; the constant anti-PC dogma and tendency of social isolation and shit-talking spiraled into a shitshow


On the subject of Asian interview channels
That Japanese Man Yuta is neat.


It's interesting that the most popular shows in that video are all things I've never heard of.


Mods have sucessfully purged board culture from /a/ years ago, combined with the surge in popularity of animu and election tourists have made the board a shadow of it former self.


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>all this bitching about CP and other freedom-shit
&ltnobody talks about the animators and how they live


What effect does piracy online have on animation industry and the animation workers?
What's the correct practice on this?


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Piracy affects the companies profits, the animators don't lose or gain money whether you buy the products or no.


Is it befitting for the communists that want the animators to have better working circumstances to refrain from piracy?


While I don't bother pirating, I don't pay for anything either.
It does NOTHING to help animators, and only gives the corporations who exploit them more money to do this exploitation. They're paid wages for their work (shitty wages but still wages) regardless of whether X or Y anime makes a profit.


think of anime was a product, just like anything else. workers are expected to manufacture that product by a certain time frame and their financial compensation, whether it is on a per-hour, per-project basis, or otherwise, is accounted for before the profits even start to come in.


Animators aren't working in terrible conditions because of piracy, shill.


If I might interject for a moment, piracy is the theft of material goods on the high seas, often involving murder. Unauthorized copying is not piracy, it's simply reproducing information.


Hacking is cutting something apart with wild swings so illegally entering another account or site is simply opening closed off information

It's slang names that came into common use m8.


Now you're confusing hacking with cracking! "Software piracy" was an attempt by idea monopolists to conflate humble data reproducers with cutthroat murders on the high seas. Continue to conflate the two at your own peril.


shut up stallman, youre legitimately autistic


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>be animator
>one of the most talented people on planet
>paid like shit
>no one knows your name
>can't even find a picture of you on google

>be seiyuu

>muh tits
>cancerous leech
>everyone loves you
>countless interviews


This is an unavoidable consequence of the market and animators can't do much about it except unionize and strike, which likely won't end well for them. What's interesting is that this seemingly has resulted in no consequence for the anime industry as a whole. You'd think eventually you'd just have a labor shortage.


Because it's far easier to put a face to a seiyuu than one to an animator. Same reason people gush over actors and directors while ignoring every other aspect of a film that people have to make.


rofl why did you copypaste the other thread here


>more of the same cope
Because your pointless thread is pointless and belongs in an already existing one. Hence the repost, and hence actual responses. sagеd for stupidity


It's the way of capitalism
Workers, artisans and peasants do the labour and creativity while the face of the product gets everything.


Man, why did that guy destroy that manga?
It didn't even look shit


Because consumerism -> wastefulness. There's a meme video where guy in a seagull mask is lying on the ground by a window and the camera-holder is throwing bread with "funny commentary:, 1 slice, 2 slices, 10, a whole fucking BOX of bread slices, enough to cover the person's upper body in bread slices… I don't think it was stale bread either.


It's because the girl on the first book's cover was implied to not be a virgin. No joke.


…sauce?! I need to know the details of such autism.




This is the power of virgin inceldom… top kek


Japan has unbelievably bad worker culture, despite having actually a not completely shit safety net. Also the legal system is hellish so if you piss enough people up you're guaranteed a sentence, given their 90%+ conviction rate (I've seen it quoted as high as 99%), this is a powerful disincentive towards doing radical stuff.

In the case of animators it's worse, like the games industry, which since they are seen as doing their "dream job" and as such are easily replaceable by some starry-eyed newbies. No parties either, the JCP is barely socdem at this point, and student activists (the remainder of the zengakuren) are literally spied on by the secret police 24/7, despite being totally irrelevant.


too many young idiots dream of working in manga/anime, labor shortage is almost impossible


>given their 90%+ conviction rate (I've seen it quoted as high as 99%)
isn't this because prosecutors only choose to go forward with cases where they know they can get a conviction?


Maybe so, I'm checking this article for source now: https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/c05401/order-in-the-court-explaining-japan%E2%80%99s-99-9-conviction-rate.html

>Take, for example, the investigation process. Suspects are denied access to a lawyer while being questioned in order to squeeze a confession out of them. Courts even allow the practice. There is also a heavy reliance on documentary evidence that creates a pretrial air of guilt that can influence how a judge tries a case.

geez that's hellish

>Naturally the prosecution goes to great lengths to ensure that criminals get their just deserts, but in doing so they also exercise a high degree of discretion in deciding which cases to pursue. Public prosecutors typically concentrate on suits where conviction is almost guaranteed, leading to the suspension of around 60 percent of criminal cases in Japan without an indictment.

yep, you're right

>The prosecution has too much authority and the defense has too little. This would not be the situation if Japan had a bona fide adversarial system, but the fact of the matter is that the balance of power in Japanese courts is skewed.

in the end you're just about fucked if the prosecutor decides you're guilty, which is, erm, not exactly good. No wonder Phoenix Wright's bullshit 3 day trial system is a satire of the japanese legal system.


Makes sense TBH
>unbelievably bad worker culture
Comes from a historical culture of class-collaboration and hierarchy worship as well as autistic adherence to rules.


Didn't the USSR also have this high of a rate of conviction?


Can anyone actually claim that Crunchyroll, for all the problems it has, hasn't done more for animation workers than the prior unfavorable situation of rampant piracy?
The Japanese companies had even said that piracy was one of the main problems that were detrimental for the industry?


nah, piracy is pretty much a non-issue for the anime industry because most of their revenue is from being paid ads for books and selling crappy dvds/bds, which only people who really want to support the medium bought, since they're very expensive. crunchyroll just kinda colonized the fansub culture and raised some revenue out of it, but it's still afaik quite negligible in the scheme of things; netflix might be more relevant, given they actually have capital to invest


No, not really. Crunchyroll exploits workers as much as any other company.
>muh piracy
Piracy has NO impact. Why? Because they're given a set wage for the work they've done. Whether or not sales go well has no impact on their wages as the profits (and losses) go directly to the companies and owners. It's why Mangaka are functionally better off, given that they do get Royalties off of a product, while animators typically do not, as anime royalties go directly to the company and "trickle down".
>Japanese Companies said
Japan is a well organized place and all, but their bureaucrats are largely scumbags, they don't like losing profits but that alone won't appeal to people's sense of justice.

No. It's just when you have a population reaching into the hundreds of millions, the number of criminals will still be higher in number. Proportionally the ratio is much smaller compared to Japan or the USA. Moreover the Soviet system didn't tend to have long prison terms, so a conviction had less impact typically and even then, a formal conviction would be given but informally waived with a warning for minor transgressions like hooliganism and other stuff.


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The very fact that Japan produces a dozen faceless forgotten anime every year that last only a single season and are just cheap cashgrabs rehashing popular products of the past shows how animators are abuse, and why animations are lazier and less detailed than in the past. All this because capitalism takes the most creative people and forces them to make the same old standardized bland shit for a guaranteed profit.


Rampant piracy is what made the anime industry what it is. Crunchyroll and perhaps to a lesser extent Funimation are parasites cashing in on decades of uncompensated labor on the part of the scanlation community.


It's in the industry's interest to blame media piracy for all of its woes. It is a complete non-issue when compared to wages and benefits (or near lack thereof).


Like the fact most animators are paid in what are essentially piecemeal wages is incredibly more fucked up than some streaming service headquartered an ocean away trying to hold on to as many licensed anime as they can.


Every time I watch anime, any anime, no matter the animation quality, I just can't stop thinking about the animators, tho ones who had to do all those drawings, one by one, manually.


It's especially impressive with anime from the 2000s and older, which were hand drawn rather than computer animated.

Piracy has nothing to do with it; writers and comic book artists don't get paid according to what is sold, they're essentially selling a set commission with royalties. The only people really losing money from pirating are the actual corporations who own the actual comic properties, and they're all filthy rich anyway


I'm actually really drawn to anime from the late 90s and early 00s; early 3d composited films and shows have aged surprisingly well.


Other than the Berserk film, yes that's quite true.
As a side note,wWhile AoT has never been my cup of tea (the manga is a walking meme), I can't deny that the animation there is spectacular.


>Like the fact most animators are paid in what are essentially piecemeal wages is incredibly more fucked up than some streaming service headquartered an ocean away trying to hold on to as many licensed anime as they can.
no that's fucked up in about equal measures, the people that make the art pieces should be the ones controlling it, not some quartered head full of licenses.


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Not quite about animators but translating companies and their utter abuse of property possession.
LN translations with companies such as Yen Press (YP) are infamous for how awful they can be. If a property is licensed, all the fan translations will be taken down and almost assuredly stopped. So you'll be waiting about a decade for new content to hit our side of the world. On top of this awful wait-time, they also fuck up the translations.

Example: No Game, No Life produced by Yen Press https://archive.is/WSnJ8 (it was later re-released with corrected translations, but still localized ones). They did the same shit with Overlord as well, censoring and castrating the work. I'm not even a fan of the show but if you're gonna sell a property, have the mindfulness to keep it legit. Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei is another good example. By the time they catch up to the raws and even the last fan translated volume, it'll be the 2030s. The same thing happened to Full Metal Panic, being translated by Tokyopop only to just drop off and vanish.

Often the biggest problem is that they never start on series with a few volumes but instead wait for popularity, ensuring they have people interested (which they then proceed to ignore and instead localize), and hit DMCAs before they even produce their first books. They drop series when it's not profitable for them, but continue to sit on the licenses until everyone gives up on them. Sure the author will earn 'something' as long as they hold rights to their own story if you buy form them but businesses work on business models first, individuals last, so for sites like these the biggest cut would go to the publisher it was hosted by, and then the author afterwards. The trick is always hidden in the contract agreements signed. Also there's no way that they don't take some of the work that's been translated for free. As I'm sure there's someone lazy enough in their group to just grab work that's already done, alter it slightly then release it.

6 years ago Yen Press acquired rights to HS DxD and proceeded to crackdown on bakatsuki, thankfully the fancontent was saved onto another site and continues to update, even as the fourth Volume has only just gotten to print as of July 2021, 10 years after fan translators did so. It's often very hard to go underground nowadays especially for DxD. Idiots exist after all, you go underground and some ass will expose it and it'll be taken down again. Before long, you'll see the translators give up and the end no more fans translation for that series. That's how fan translation completely disappear after getting licensed. Moreover, if they don't sell in your country or care to translate to non-English languages, you're fucked completely.

The way they (illegally) force some fan translators to take down their projects when they only have a license to release their things on "SPECIFIC REGIONS" (specifically North America and Great Britain) is enough to earn my dislike. Legally, they don't have the rights to take down fan translations from let's say… Indonesia, only from North American countries/Britannic ones, they don't have an European/Asian/African/South American license*. That's how licensing works, not that it matters to them…
*Exceptions to the rule are some big properties like Spice and Wolf that are licensed under World English for Territories.

Ironically they sell their digital goods to most European countries using the same "legal limbo" since their servers are "located" on the US you "agree" to use such service "on the US" until somebody else "licenses it" in your territory and such publisher "decides" to force them to "interrupt" their sales on such territory.

Say you're from a country that cannot get access to world-wide credit cards as it's the case of some South American/Asian countries, you get stuck "cannot acquire it "legally" but cannot read it illegally" that's basically what happens when you ain't lucky enough to live on a first world country.

Yen Press isn't exactly Kadowaka's property. They can get backed up by Kadokawa (51%) all of their Licences specifically establishes the rights for edition/distribution on certain regions (regardless of the language in most cases) so Yen Press cannot (really) DMCA outside the regions where they hold the rights for publishing… or regions where the DMCA ain't even a thing, doing so would actually make them infringe original publisher/author's DMCA terms, especially with loopholes of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Arguments used by rather bot-like defenders of Yen Press is that fan translators and readers are "Leechers that can't even bring themselves to support the author financially" as if that was the problem. Also it's argued that bad fan-translations that are "overly literal" (despite most fan translations always having annotations that clarify content) and which supposedly makes "Japanese "sounds" like tortured, awkward English". This is in spite of massive grammatical differences in Japanese and English from how kanji differ from an alphabet of letters. This means that unless massively differentiated from the original text, the translation will inevitably be janky, or otherwise lose the idea being carried across. Of course these same people also tend to say "just learn JP or fuck yourself"

A translator also explains why mistakes occur, why fan translators are not employed and why it takes so long boiling down to Jap bureaucracy and general capitalist paper-pushing https://archive.is/NxB2e

As alternatives, support translator blogs like Baka-Tsuki and use Wuxiaworld which is pretty much the online chinese version of Yen Press.


Opinions on this article? https://archive.ph/LIXxT


I'm sure it's not piracy's fault if people working in the anime industry are underpaid and overworked.


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It all starts at the drawing board OP. Your right CGI isnt hard or expensive to make to look good considering fucking children with blender can make realistic assets with fundamental shapes and image textures, the main problem with these shows is that the animators dont give a flying shit at all about what they're making, no one is taking the time to learn the software they're using, no one is taking healthy shifts that allow the animators to produce their craft with good leading to rushed projects made on strict deadlines like what happened with BioWares anthem, no one is giving a shit to go over any errors or bugs made using CGI because there isnt time for that, and there is definitely no one going through the assets to provide detail and polish and likewise you have a colossal 3d mess filling up the screen and breaking your sense of disbelief and triggering the uncanny valley effect. These shows dont have to look like shit, the problem is that the people producing them wont allow the developers enough time or even proper conditions to do their jobs correctly and this horrendous work ethic is an apparent problem in much of japan as a whole which is why innovation has stagnated their for years now.

To picture what your typical japanese animation studio looks like imagine a room filled with hordes of single men and women in their late 20s to fucking 90s that are all on drugs trying to produce entertainment products that appeal to the approval of millions of people worldwide in the timespan of a few months where every stage of development is handled in a couple days and everyone's working shifts to long that the idea of seeing your coworkers straight up collapse from exhaustion or get mental illnesses from stress is a normality. In that kind of environment I'd be surprised if any type of media even gets produced in japanese firms.

Their effort is being driven by their love of animation on a general basis anon. Japan isnt like the animes and what I described about your typical animation studio in japan can be applied to most private and public sector institutions throughout the country as a whole. It's kinda like "I know my situations awful but everywhere else is even shittier" type of situation and ultimately these artists can find some type of enjoyment in their craft


>Looking over the thread yet again
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of Rum


Good point, but like the CIA using "Conspiracy Theorist" as a way to discredit whistleblowers, we still lack a terminology as a replacement in common jargon.


Not quite relevant but I can't locate the post discussing fandom.wiki whoring out to Phonefags with it's new desktop config (if anyone finds it, please reply with a link)
Temporarily you can return to the old site using ?useskin=oasis at the end of a URL so for example: https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Short_Stories?useskin=oasis


Damn I got neat trips

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